Thursday, December 22, 2005

Beltway Politics

Well, after the United States Senate earlier this fall passed legislation allowing for oil exploration in ANWR - a provision that will help our mid-range needs for energy in this country - several weak-kneed Senators scuttled the provision when it came back from the House this week. It's another example of playing politics with our future. Dave Obey was excited as he opposed exploration in ANWR. If you look at Obey's votes, it's pretty clear, he OPPOSES energy independence in favor of his liberal special interest environmental friends in Washington. Bottom line: Dave Obey favors higher energy prices for the forseeable future. When you get your heating bill this winter or are filling your car at the pump, remember, Dave Obey did nothing to try and mitigate these prices.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. ANWR is not a great wilderness. It's frozen, barron land.

2. If you think that's great wilderness, how many people do you think will ever go see it, 100-200 a year out of 300 million people.

3. The Congressional proposal will disturb 2000 out of nearly 20 million acres. That's less than 1 tenth of 1 percent, hardly a major disturbance.

4. These special interest friends exist in Washington, and Obey is in their pocket.

5. Oil companies are certainly a special interest. They also employ people, like the union workers who support oil exploration in ANWR.

6. Energy independence is in our national interest whether you care to admit it or not.

7. I didn't see this post as vitrol. It points out a question we need answers to. What has Obey offered as a solution to our energy concerns? I'm not talking a long term solution like alternative energy sources for cars, etc, I'm talking about getting us from here to there without allowing energy prices to rise out of control. I haven't seen any solutions from Obey. Fact of the matter is, we need mid-range solutions (i.e. more oil) to get us from here to there. We have oil in Alaska, California and off the Gulf Coast. We need to tap into it. It's common sense (and a lot more environmentally friendly with advances in technology).

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Israel, at least we know where you stand - right with Obey. All rhetoric, no real solutions.

11:32 AM  

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