Friday, December 09, 2005

Obey Says Republicans Savaging Programs

According to the Rice Lake Chronotype, Obey continued his negative campaign last week in Barron County. He said Republicans were "savaging really important programs." If you want to call changing the rate in the growth of government from 6.4% to 6.3% (that's growth, in other words more money is being spent either way) "savaging?" It shows Dave Obey either doesn't understand basic math or he's engaging in intentional negative political spin.

A math lesson for our Congressman, if you make $30,000 this year, and you are expecting a 6.4% raise to $31,920 but your boss comes in and says, "in order to make our budget, we will only be able to give you $31,890 next year," has your budget really been savaged by that $30 reduction in what you thought you might be getting? No. It would have been nice and every dollar certainly counts, but you have not been savaged. You would still be making $1890 more next year than you did this year.


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