Friday, May 26, 2006

Obey and His Drive for $4 Gas

Yesterday, Dave Obey voted against increased domestic oil exploration, again. The House of Representatives passed (again) legislation to allow exploration on the Northern Slope of Alaska. You've probably heard about ANWR in the past. Congress passed this legislation 10 years ago and President Clinton vetoed it. Had he signed it into law, ANWR would be producing at least 1 million barrels of oil a day.

The Democrats trotted out the same old arguments that pristine land would be harmed if we allowed drilling. Republicans pointed out that the pristine land they referred to was 1/10th of one percent of the total land in ANWR and that barren tundra is hardly comparable to the Grand Canyon.

It's ridiculous to think that we can't explore for oil to meet our energy needs. Dave Obey continues to vote against it.

This simply proves once again that Dave Obey cares more about appeasing liberal environmental special interest groups than he does about the price we pay at the pump. When you fill up and are disgusted about how much your paying, thank your Congressman.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nick Reid just blasted Obey for this, they have it up on the front page of

9:29 AM  

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