Sunday, October 30, 2005

Obey Playing Class Warfare

According to CNN, Dave Obey is up to the old Democrat tricks leading into Halloween. When you can't win the debate, try to scare the heck out of people. This time Obey is calling Republican efforts to get spending that is increasing at more than twice the rate of inflation under control, "They are targeting programs for poor people to pay for tax cuts for rich people."

There are no efforts in Congress to pass any new tax relief this year. Congress has talked about making current tax relief permanent, but no NEW cuts.

Obey is joining the Democrat chorus in Washington. He says that reducing growth from 6.4% to 6.2% is a cut. I'm sorry, but if you went to most families in Wisconsin and said, "we wanted to give you a 6.4% raise next year, but because of tight budgets, we can only do 6.2%." They would say, well, a 6.4% raise would have been nice, but a 6.2% raise is still more than fair.

Dave Obey has been in Washington too long. He ignores the waste, fraud and abuse that is in every federal agency. Instead of calling on the Department of Agriculture to cut down on giving food stamps to illegal aliens, he says, let's just give them more money.

While Obey is trying to scare us this halloween, the only thing we at Obey Out find scary is 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 more years of Dave Obey's lack of common sense in Congress.


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