Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Tyberg Article

here's the link

There's a lot in the article, here are some excerpts:

He didn't consider running for public office until one day, while working at a coffee shop in Grantsburg and talking politics, a customer said that the country needed 'good men in Congress' and that Tyberg should run.

Three security issues play into Tyberg's philosophy and create the backbone of his campaign: "national security, economic security and family security."

On Federal Powers:

Tyberg said the national government's powers should be limited to fixing inter-state disputes and maintaining the nation's borders.

On Social Security:

Removing the $100,000 cap from income taxable for Social Security purposes, imposing a maximum income limit for Social Security beneficiaries and investing at least some Social Security monies in the stock market are three reform ideas that the Grantsburg candidate supports.

On Education:

Taking a plank from the late President Reagan's platform, Tyberg said dissolving the Department of Education could reduce federal government spending.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone about to retire, I have real problems with Tyberg's views on Social Security . . . removing caps and imposing income limits . . . sounds like something Obey supports as well.

It's not about being rich, it's about fairness. The Social Security system is supposed to be a retirement plan for everyone. The people at the lower end of the economic ladder get a better return on their investment than the ones at the higher rung. That's a part of the deal that everyone accepts. But to provide for unlimited taxes with a cap on return turns it into basically another welfare program.

We should support a comprehensive reform that changes the system entirely for younger generations while securing retirement for my generation to stop this cycle of social security facing bankruptcy every 25 years.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reasons Bush and the Republican Party Have to Go?

Democrats are Pro-life?

Intelligent Design?

8:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How exactly is Tyberg going to win in this district on this platform? He'll make a lot of Republicans mad on Social Security, he'll make every independent and democrat mom mad with the dismantling the department of education line. I've heard he would even put women in jail for having abortions.

Tyberg may be a good person, but his ideas aren't going to win him a seat in Congress.

6:42 AM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...


We usually don't respond to comments, but what are you talking about? How is posting an article with direct quotes from a local paper on Jeff Tyberg being "against Tyberg so bad." Please explain. Are you saying Jeff would like us to stop posting links to his events schedule or stop posting links to articles about him?

Obey Out

P.S. Today we posted links to Robinson and Reid stories.

6:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

right on obey out. bob sounds like a bitter 28 year old. you guys did say early on that you were leaning toward reid, but it seems lately you've been completely fair and balanced.

also, way to go in not controlling your comments like Tyberg does. I refuse to post there out of principle.

oh, and while I haven't decided my vote yet, I saw articles on reid last year when he hadn't even moved back here yet. bob needs to look harder.

11:50 AM  

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