Thursday, April 06, 2006

Meet the Candidates

Here's a story on Tyberg from March 15th.

Jeff Tyberg, 36, of Grantsburg has been traveling throughout the sprawling 7th Congressional District as a candidate seeking the Republican nomination to run against Democrat Dave Obey of Wausau.

Tyberg brings an interesting background to his candidacy. "I've spent the past 15 years as a part-time missionary, including one year as a volunteer on staff at an orphanage in Mexico and two years in the Ukraine. I am currently running for Congress because I want to serve our country."

"I was born the year Dave Obey was elected to Congress," said Tyberg. "People encouraged me to run. We need to return to government of the people, by the people and for the people."

"As I've been out on the campaign trail I met two gentlemen who remember back when our current Representative was first running. They both told me that one of his main arguments against a longtime incumbent was that he'd been there too long. According to Obey, once a person had been in Washington too long they weren't any good to their district anymore. Somewhere along the line the power and prestige evidently got to Mr. Obey, and the shoe is now on the other foot."

Tyberg said if elected he would limit his service in Congress to 10 years.

"Mr. Obey constantly touts his experience and seniority as reasons to keep him in office," said Tyberg. "But, after 36 years of his representation, where are we? The mining industry has practically been shut down, and along with it the shipping industry. The forestry products industry went through tough times and is still struggling to survive. Family farmers have been forced get big or get out, while their once fertile fields are sold for housing developments or bought by the bigger farms. And Wisconsin ranks in the worst five for local and state tax burdens. Why? Because for all of his campaigning on money he brings back to the district, Wisconsin ranks in the bottom three states for money coming back from Washington!"

"I will work to decrease the federal tax burden for all Americans, while at the same time fighting to get Wisconsin our fair share of the money that we do have to send to Washington. We've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain! It's time to begin forging a new path to a stronger future for the 7th District and America! The truth is we need bold new leadership in Congress! We need people who are committed to ending deficit spending once and for all, not just nibbling at the edges! It is time to end the entitlement mentality that permeates our culture! It is time once again to tell Americans to 'ask not, what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!' I will work hard in Congress to lead us out of this trend toward dependence on government, and back to independence!"

Tyberg is a 1987 graduate of Grantsburg High School. "I have worked as a teacher, carpenter, truck diver, bus driver and cook," he said. His desire is to represent the 7th District in the 110th Congress.


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