Friday, June 30, 2006

Obey's Non-Plan for Energy Independence

We hope you're sitting down. Dave Obey voted against domestic oil and natural gas exploration again last night. (roll call vote 357)

This time it was to increase leasing of federal lands/oceans 50-100 miles off the coast of Florida where there are billions of gallons of oil and billions of cubic feet of natural gas.

What's ironic is that according to news reports, Cuba is leasing oil rights closer to Key West than we would under this law. Cuba is leasing these rights to China and India.

So, with that in mind, our Congressman decided that rather than letting U.S. companies get this oil and natural gas, he'll let China and India get it - making us more dependent on foreign sources of energy AGAIN.

Obey's drive for $4 a gallon gas continues.


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