Monday, November 13, 2006

Anonymous and Illiterate

Someone without the courage of their convictions posted on this site that Reid isn't the right type of Republican to go to Congress. They also used some worn out cliches and name calling which shows they have no real arguments to make.

Anyway, this district voted for Ronald Reagan. Reagan was pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-tax relief and for a strong national defense. Those are Nick Reid's core principles.

So, if Nick Reid runs again, we should support him. He ran a great campaign in a year when Republicans were getting killed nationwide. Now he has a name ID and financial platform to jump off of.

If he doesn't run again, we will support another strong Republican candidate as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to be questioning your loyalty to the Republican party, but how much rationalization can we accept before we take a long, hard look at reality?

If you want to ramble about broken down clichés and no real arguments, try: "...this district voted for Ronald Reagan. Reagan was pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-tax relief and for a strong national defense. Those are Nick Reid's core principles."

Reagan ran and won two elections while Obey ran and won four elections during the same time: How does that fit with your tunnel vision rationalization about the district?

Do YOU remember who ran against Obey in '80, '82, '84 and '86? I would assume not, as you were only 1 or 2 years old at the time. (In an attempt to show your breadth of knowledge, I'm sure you will Google it and share the answers, but that is your choice)

Reid ran a campaign based on the same divisive subjects that Karl Rove has been scripting for the past six years, and "in a year when Republicans were getting killed nationwide" he got killed in the 7th district.

What you don’t get is that there is a MAJOR difference between national politics and the political demographics of northern Wisconsin. Reid lost because he’s late to the high water mark of the now fading neo-con movement, a movement that in the 7th district will always draw about the same 30% of right wing nutcases that vote straight Republican EVERY election, regardless of the candidate or platform.

Obey will continue to win this district as long as we continue to scrounge up transplanted Reagan wanna-be candidates that can only squawk about being “…pro-life, pro-second amendment, pro-tax relief and for a strong national defense”, while showing no true interest in, or understanding of, the people of northern Wisconsin.

Get over Reid and let's look for an intelligent moderate who will listen to the people of northern Wisconsin, like Obey obviously does, rather than wanting to be a Rove neo-con water boy...

8:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. You're still showing no courage. Why don't you run if you're so smart? Who are you? I'll tell if you will.

Dave Obey wins because people have given up hope of beating him. He isn't moderate, he is more liberal than most members of Congress. More importantly, he is more liberal than most people in this district.

Did you actually ever listen to Nick Reid talk or are you just making all this stuff up?

Who has tunnel vision? You assume that a conservative who can spend $1 million on a campaign like Dave Obey can would not have a chance. If so, you don't understand politics.

Nick Reid said he would look at the Massachussetts-style health care plan and he said we need to find a way to bring our troops home sooner rather than later. That's not marching the party line. I don't even agree with him there.

Republicans nationwide performed about 5% worse than they did in the mid-terms 4 years ago. Nick Reid performed about 2% better. Can you name me the last candidate who worked as hard to try to win this district as Nick Reid? How did Cronin do when he ran? He was viewed as a moderate.

And finally, if you are really a Republican, why are you demeaning the loyal Republicans who actually vote their conscience every two years instead of voting for a guy simply because he's been there so long or maybe because he can bring home a few more pork projects? The answer is, you probably aren't.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More obfuscations and invalid arguments on your part, as you refuse to acknowledge or accept or the soundness of my previous points. Typical, though, as our president seems to have the same problem, even after our party suffered its worse butt kicking in decades.

To quote you again, “Did you actually ever listen to Nick Reid talk or are you just making all this stuff up?” Let’s look at the facts:

Reid’s website says nothing about a “Massachussetts(sic)-style health care plan”, and only follows the administration line of “getting the job done in Iraq to bring home our troops”. The latter sure sounds like “marching the party line”, since Bush has never explained what “getting the job done” means, or defined what “Victory in Iraq” will look like.

Reid’s own media releases, repeated verbatim in numerous newspapers and on the radio and television, reads identical to his website. If health care and some vague plan to bring the troops home were a high priority for him, why were they NOT part of the “issues” that he wanted to stress? Your argument is, therefore, invalid.

If Obey is so “liberal”, how come the Association of the United States Army awarded Legislators of the Year in 2005 to him and Bill Young, a Republican from Florida?

If Obey is so “liberal” (quote: “more liberal than most members of Congress”) how come he voted with President Bush’s position 30.6% of the time in 2005 and 2006?

If Obey is so “liberal” (which somehow is a four-letter word in your world), why does he really continue to get re-elected in the 7th district, when you claim, “he is more liberal than most people in this district”? Every two years >60% of the people that live here vote for Obey, which wholly invalidates your argument, yet again.

To try to rationalize some perceived “2%” margin of increase in performance over previous election results as something positive is simply a ridiculous and laughable rationalization.
Whether or not Reid worked harder than other Republican candidates before him is not the point: he is the wrong candidate.

To return to Wisconsin with the sole intent of running for congress as a Karl Rove/Jerry Falwell clone, after spending 7 years in the company of some of he most extreme right wing neo-cons in the country, seems disingenuous to myself and true Republicans of the district.

Your argument is, again, invalid.

If you are already supporting Reid in ’08, when he desires to have no direct connection to the people that live here, you indeed suffer from tunnel vision.

If we again nominate Reid or someone like him in ’08, we will send Obey back to D.C. with 60%-70% of the districts approval, despite all the teeth-gnashing and partisan comments that people like you seem to propagate, encourage and thrive upon.

These are not arguments, but truths.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU are either not a Republican or you are dillusional.

It is not an invalid argument to point out that Nick Reid ran 7% (your math needs work) counter to the trend in the U.S. of Republican congressional candidates, especially considering the severe spending disadvantage he was operating under. it shows he ran a pretty decent campaign.

Dave Obey and Bill Young were the Ranking Member and Chairman of the Appropriations Committee. They got that award because they doled out pork, not because they were great friends to the military. If Obey were such a great friend to the military why did he vote against funding for them and why did he vote to cut our intelligence capabilities by $500 million right after the first World Trade Center bombing?

Only a Dave Obey Democrat supporter would spew the Obeyite talking points you're throwing out.

Nick Reid owns a house in the district. Dave Obey owns a condo and only because he was criticized for using his mom's mailing address. Obey only comes home when he has to campaign. In 2005, he made about 4 trips to the district according to his official expense records. How's that for a direct connection comparison?

You Obey defenders, if you are Republicans, clearly have no core values just like your hero. If you believed in core Republican values of Ronald Reagan, you could not in good conscience vote for Obey who supports universal health care, spending our children into oblivion on socialist programs and wants to tax us to death. Yep, that makes Dave Obey a moderate alright.

Finally, we've run moderates, and we've run conservatives, and who did the best among them all, Scott West, a CONSERVATIVE.

If the people of this district were once again given the opportunity to hear from a well-funded conservative, they would vote for them because the people of this district want someone with values closer to their own, not to Nancy Pelosi.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reid outed as ObeyOut2006

Mr. anonymous (aka: Nick Reid),

You again do not attempt to engage in any commentary regarding my specific points of fact. You would rather use tired, cyclic arguments based on vapors and vague innuendo to blame others rather than look in the mirror and contemplate reality. Such is life among the fallen in our party.

Carpetbaggers with no district loyalty have been been attempting to run our country for the sake of personal gain for over one-hundred years, so you are in company, although I would not call it "good".

Please note the following that was posted in response to one of your first attempts at satire on this blog, back in October, 2005.


As this "blog" appeared right after Reid moved to Wisconsin with the sole intent of running for congress, I think you hit it right on the head.

Rereading the entire website today shows a complete slant for him from the start.

As amateurish as his attempts are to appear as some neutral “anti-Obey” group of individuals, it is apparent that his intent was to run a “free” website that attacked his republican opponents right from the start, with Obey becoming the target later on.

Check the immediate attacks on Tyberg (in one of the first posts in early October, 2005, “A Message for the Seventh”), the convoluted comments on “Reid Does Radio” from October 31, 2005 and many other statements that obviously originated directly from Reid and/or someone in his inner circle.

For a laugh and a direct connection between Reid and this site, check the profile information and links for the "Democrats for Reid" profile under the Reid Does Radio link,

Beyond the obviously laughable interests of Latte Drinking, Volvo Driving, Listening to NPR and Yoga, is the more obvious connection to a profile in the Latte Drinking group with the screen name (surprise!!)"Democrats for Ryun"!!!!!

That profile states: “My name is Democrats for Ryun. I wish my party would stop attacking Mr. Ryun and embrace his leadership. I'm a yellow-dog democrat who has broke ranks with my party to support Congressman Jim Ryun. I also drive a Volvo." The profile also lists among his interests: "Mocking Josh Rosenau, Apologizing for Howard Dean's ignorance and incompetence".

Josh Rosenau happens to be a REAL blogger who helped lead the groundswell that got Ryun de-elected to liberal Democrat Nancy Boyda last week as well as helping shoot down the “Intelligent Design” freaks that had taken over the Kansas Board of Education.

In an obvious and somewhat sinister connection, BOTH profiles were created in JULY 2005, months before Reid announced his candidacy. Not surprised though, are we.... he had been planning this blog even before he had moved to the district...

The connections are obvious and show that Reid created, ran and continues to run ObeyOut as an additional campaign website.

I don't know if I rate this whole sham as unethical, humorous, sad or just plain childish, but obviously this is someone who does NOT represent my values as a Republican, although he would have fit in well with a number of people who were just shown the door in Washington.

Posted 11/13/2006

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow he's right.... And I voted for Reid? Looking at his background now, what jobs has he had that makes him good for us? The heritage foundation? They do nothing for us here. Working for some guy in Kansas? How does that relate to me? He's never even held a job here, let alone gotten to know anyone. It looks like the only reason he moved here was to run for congress.

12:20 AM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

OK, enough already.

6:09 AM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

Sorry about that, we had more, but mis-clicked.

Neither Nick Reid, nor Democrats for Reid run this blog. So just check your conspiracy theories at the door.

Yes, we do know Nick Reid. But, Nick had absolutely no control over what we posted on this site. In fact, Nick asked us not to be so hard on Jeff Tyberg many times. We declined his requests to remove or change things we said about Tyberg in the primary.

We also believe Democrats for Reid and Democrats for Ryun to be the same individual. However, we do not know who that individual is, nor frankly do we care. The fact that one of Nick's friends from his time of working for Jim Ryun decided to support him does not matter to us. And before anyone launches into the Kansas thing, Paul Ryan worked for Senator Brownback from Kansas before moving back home. There's no shame in working for a conservative in Washington.

Which leads us to another important point. Nick Reid is no carpetbagger. He was born and raised in Superior, went to college, worked 4 1/2 years and came home to Wisconsin and bought a house. Dave Obey got elected to Congress and has barely spent any time in Wisconsin for 37 years.

Finally, while we may have been a little hard on the anonymous post by calling you illiterate, we do agree with the response who challenged this individual to put his/her name on the ballot and run. It takes courage of conviction and personal sacrifice to run for Congress against Dave Obey and Nick Reid should be applauded for working so hard, not derided by someone without the courage to even tell us who they are.

6:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

C'mon, you didn't vote for Reid. He spent 13 months getting to know people. I live in Superior and I saw him more times than I can count in a year. Old man Obey was up here twice.

I just love that a bunch of Democrats posing as Republicans think they can hijack this site after the election is over. They must be scared of Reid running again.

6:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paul Ryun is a Kansas native who stayed home and got elected because we stayed at home and got to know the people of his district and their needs before running for congress. Like Dave Obey.

Reid, according to interviews, decided as an adolescent he wanted to be a politician, left the state and ignored the people of the 7th district until moving back a year ago: some commitment to the district.

He has never worked outside of the same group of narrow-minded radical right-wingnut Christian group of zealots that feel it is their right to run the country in the name of god rather than for the good of all citizens.
These are facts: obfuscate away.

By the way, as this humorous little site ripped on Obey for owning the same house in the D.C. area for 20+ years, and is fond of the “guilt by association” argument towards him, consider the case of Paul Ryun’s home in D.C.:

On December 15, 2000, Ryun bought a townhouse in the District of Columbia from U.S. Family Network for $410,000, in a private sale.

No problem there, except that U.S. Family Network is an organization controlled by Ed Buckham, Tom DeLay's former chief of staff, and funding of the organization came mostly from convicted felon Jack Abramoff's lobbying clients. Millions of dollars of money were funneled and laundered through U.S. Family Network for personal and PAC use by Buckham and Delay

Ironically, the townhouse had only been purchased two years earlier to house Buckham's consulting firm, Alexander Strategy Group, and DeLay's ARMPAC. No problem there, except Buckham had purchased it for $429,000 in 1998, $19,000 less than Ryan paid. Very cozy.

When questions arose as to whether Ryun had paid full market value in 2000, his office released documents showing that another home on the same block was sold for $409,000 on the same day he bought his home.

However, according to property records, it was discovered the other home is on land about half the size of Ryun's and was assessed in 2006 as worth only $528,000: Ryuns was assessed at $764,000 at the same time.


I wish some radical right-wingnut Christian zealots that would offer to sell me a prime piece of real estate for ½ its value, even without knowing that it will almost double in value in 6 years.

I’m sure I would not own them anything in return either...
No worries though, Ryun was shown the door by his district last week.

For more fun, try Googling Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff, The Heritage Foundation and Ed Buckham together.

Among all of the amazing, sinister and illegal connections is a trip funded by the Heritage Foundation to Malaysia from August 30 to September 4, 2001. Buckham joined Tom DeLay, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fl.) and Ander Crenshaw (R-Fl.) and their spouses, as well as Edwin Feulner and his wife Linda Feulner, and Ken Sheffer. The Feulners and Sheffer were principals of both the Heritage Foundation and the lobbying firm Belle Haven Consultants, the latter assisted Abramoff on many occasions with moving lots of money into private accounts...

How Delay, Buckham, The Feulners and Sheffer, sheltered by the umbrella of the Heritage Foundation, laundered hundreds of millions of dollars into private accounts and Delays PAC’s is all public record, and a prime example as to why we lost again to Obey, Ryun lost to a liberal woman, we lost the House, we lost the Senate and the word Republican is mud to 57% of the people in this country.

Say... didn’t Reid work for both Ryun and the Heritage Foundation?

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, you're an idiot. Paul Ryan is a Congressman from Wisconsin. You're a moron. Paul Ryan worked for Senator Sam Brownback from Kansas in Washington before moving back to Wisconsin to run for Congress. You are truly one of the stupidist people I've ever seen post here. Everything you said, every argument you made now goes right out the window. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Obey was born in Oklahoma. He owns a mansion in Virginia, a vacation home in Arizona, and a small condo in Wausau. He also raises 91% of his campaign war chest outside of the district, and took $79,000 in trips to exotic locals such as Paris, and the Bahama's.
Sounds like a man of Northern WI to me.

10:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow these are some amazing posts! That is all I have to say, except for the fact that I would think that Obey staffers would have better things to do with their time.

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come you avoid the connection between Reid, Ryun, The Heritage Foundation and Jack Abrahmoff? Just wondering, since it is so obvious you choosing to ignore it seems blatant...

And where did any previous statement of fact say that Ryun is, or has been, a Wisconsin official? Another complete fabrication and obfuscation. Sorry, I should skip the big words that you and our president seem to have difficulty with:

You lied.

Typical though: that is the normal recourse for most narrow-minded radical right-wingnut Christian zealots, i.e., Jim & Tammi Faye Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart, Bennie Hinn, Ralph Reed, Joyce Meyer, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Haggard and on and on and on... and now you... documented here.

By the way: I love the Haggard website, I know you won’t visit it again, but it currently has his smiling face and the statement:

“Ted Haggard has resigned as president of the NAE and has been dismissed as Senior Pastor of New Life Church, therefore this website is in transition."

Has Reid accepted his transition since being dismissed?

Reminder: you choose to ignore all of my other equally valid arguments, like the connection between Reid, Ryun, The Heritage Foundation and Jack Abrahmoff... Why? That reminder will come up again in the future

...and: did you ever report the terrorist threat to an elected official that was posted earlier on this funny little site?.... the FBI finds complicity in the non-reporting of such things, and takes these types of threats dead serious. That means if someone posted a threat here, you need to report it.

All of this is excellent fodder....

And I have to add the following election results, which shows just how bad we had our butts kicked and re-emphasize the fact that something is rotting in our party:

Incumbents that lost-
Rapture" Rick Santorum (R-PA)
Mike “Dirtbag” DeWine (R-OH)
Ken Blackwell (R-OH)
Chris "The Count" Chocola (R-IN-02)
Bob Ehrich (R-MD)
Michael Steel (R-MD)
John Hostettler (R-IN-08)
Katherine “Slut” Harris (R-FL)
Lincoln “Too Bad” Chafee (R-RI)
Anne “So Sad” Northup (R-KY-03)
Nancy Johnson (R-CT-05)
"Crazy" Curt Weldon (R-PA-07)
Don "The Choker" Sherwood (R-PA-10)
Joy Padgett (R-OH-18) (Bob Ney)
Charlie Bass (R-NH-02)
Mike Sodrel (R-IN-09)
Ray Meier (R-NY-24)
Randy Graf (R-AZ-8)
Charles Taylor (R-NC-11)
Clay Shaw (R-FL-22)
John Sweeney (R-NY-20)
Joe “ish” Negron (R-FL-16) (Mark Foley)
Jeb Bradley (R-NH-01)
J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ-05)
Melissa Hart (R-PA-4)
Jim “Speaking in Tongues” Ryun (R-KS-02)
Shiela Sekula “Call Me Tom”-Gibbs (R-TX-22) (Tom DeLay)
Bob Beauprez (R-CO)
Jim Leach (R-IA-02)
Sue Kelly (R-NY-19)
Gil Gutknecht (R-MN-01)
George “Makaka” Allen (R-VA)
Jim “Goofy Looking” Talent (R-MO)
Conrad “Slime Ball” Burns (R-MT)
Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA-08)
Richard (Enema of the Environment) Pombo (R-CA-11)

6:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read your own comment. You wrote "Paul Ryun", not just once, but several times. Paul Ryan is who I referred to as working for someone from Kansas in Washington and coming home to run for Congress in Wisconsin.

You are referring to Jim Ryun, and I wasn't avoiding it, I was pointing out that you clearly don't know what you're talking about when obviously not getting it. That's not a lie, it's your stupidity.

Give it up, you're a Democrat, and not a very smart one, and you're caught.

9:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who keeps weaving conspiracy theories: We on the Conservative side keep the John Birchers from making us crazy. I suggest you set up similar defences for the nuts on your side. It's making you into a first class nutjob.

11:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dont think its fair to say that the 7th district is moderate on the whole. The dems did an excellent job of getting out their vote in an election year that was nationalized. They were motivated. Conservatives were not. As a result, per Kingsley's "prediction" in the Washington Post the day of the election, America will deserve every horrible circumstance that it gets in 5 years. That's Kingsley, the democrat.

11:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If I were on Obey's staff, I would have difficulty legitimizing the existence of my boss. Most folks in the 7th district don't get their news from internet sources or other forms of alternative media. Hell, I would even venture to say that most don't even pay attention to the news. Most don't log onto the internet to try to track down the voting record of their congressman. Most don't spend time watching c-span. I doubt that most even took time to listen to the debates. That means that the only impression that most folks have of Dave Obey comes from local newspapers and television broadcasts. When was the last time you saw an article printed by a newspaper within the district that actually pointed out something critical about Obey? How can we call this a legitimate campaign?

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm… so you’re saying residents of the 7th district are a bunch of backwoods hillbillies that need to be led like sheep to the polls?

It is easy to see that this type of elitist attitude, and misjudging the intelligence of the voters in the 7th district, accounts in part for the Reid/Delay/Heritage Foundation defeat.

Judging from the fact that more people are now questioning how Reid was able to jump from college to congressional candidate in 5 years while living out of state and having no true experience with the issues that are important to us Republicans that live here.

To move in with the sole intent of running for congress DOES seem disingenuous, considering how comments in the most current post plainly appear to connect him to some people that truly DO NOT have our values.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have made an invalid claim. The post about how much the voters in the District pay attention to politics does not force me to conclude that the voters are as you say, a "bunch of backwoods hillbillies that need to be led like sheep to the polls."

Please come back when you have something productive to say, or simply write, "I assert that....".

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Mr. Obey is fond of saying, "The first rule of politics is thou shalt not bear false witness." I think that includes invalid claims. Or maybe logic isn't one of the values that is important to "us republicans that live here" in this district.

7:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's some recast Bob Dylan lyrics that I think describe Obey right now:

A North politician preaches to the poor white man,
"You got less than the rich; work in vain.
Vote for me over him,
I’ll deliver you from sin," he explains.
And the poor man’s name
Is used it is plain
For the politician's gain
As he rises to fame
And the poor white remains
On the caboose of the train
But it ain't him to blame
He's only a pawn in their game.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Backpedaling on how you personally view the intelligence of people in this area? You sound more and more like that flip-flopper John Kerry than a 7th district Republican...

You need a basic lesson in logic: statements can never be valid or invalid: My "claims", as you call them, come from proper deduction. That is, from evaluating your comments based on the context of them as well as your elitist posturing and self-placed overstated position.

Your most recent response is incorrect due to it being a non sequitor (a point also validated by your ensuing ad hominem, which appears to be a your normal approach regardless of the argument or subject matter).

Let’s review your opinion of my neighbors in the 7th district, both Republican and Democrat:

"Most folks in the 7th district don't get their news from internet sources or other forms of alternative media", which certainly assumes an elitist posture and insinuates these “folks” are, less than intelligent, i.e., akin to stupid, backwoods hillbillies.

"Hell, I would even venture to say that most don't even pay attention to the news”. This again is elitist and insulting, and obviously questions the intelligence and overall mental capabilities of the people you are evaluating.

"I doubt that most even took time to listen to the debates", states an elitist disdain for anyone that is not of your self-assumed, upstanding ilk. It is obvious you assume they are incapable of making decisions for themselves in their own way, which places them, from your point of view and elitist position, on a par with stupid and disinterested sheep.

“Most don't spend time watching c-span”: elitist? Of course. Simply another way of saying "If you don’t watch c-span, like me, you are stupid”, which is also equivalent to saying “If you don’t watch c-span, like me, you are illiterate hillbillies”.

…and how come you refuse to acknowledge the statements posted elsewhere about the Reid/Meese/Delay/Heritage Foundation connection?

I’m sure this will result in another diatribe about me personally, rather than an intelligent response. It is apparent that this is the typical modi operandorum here and throughout this site, since the owner has used this blog from the beginning to repeatedly shell out invalid ad hominem attacks, using the standpoint of anonymity as shelter.

9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I won't address the "connections" you refer to, because they aren't valid arguements.

Furthermore, there is no "backpedaling" going on, because no forward pedaling took place.

Intelligence only, please.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I’m disappointed.

Your decision to abandon any attempt at logical discussion over the merits of the listed facts falls somewhere between sophistry and Reductio ad Absurdum. Notable, however, as these tactics are typically utilized by those faced with valid statements who prefer to avoid further loss of character.

My apologies, as I assumed I was exchanging commentary with someone of better fortitude, conviction and ethics.

10:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The use of $3 words from your word of the day toilet paper ("non sequitor" & "ad hominem") does not change the fact that you are trying to link Nick Reid to Tom DeLay, which is completely bogus. And, let's not forget your outstanding knowledge when it comes to Paul Ryan and Jim Ryun. You were really spot on there. Makes people say, "hey, that guy really knows what he's talking about." Give it up Democrat.

6:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a great irony here, considering you started the original post with "Someone without the courage of their convictions..." as you seem to be the one lacking that quality...
and as I anticipated you would, you take an unsophisticated misstep into the very feces that you spew...

Typically, you again attack the messenger without even the feeblest of attempts to refute any posted statement of fact in the message. For future reference, as you obviously do not know, that pretty much is the definition of an "ad hominem" attack.

Additionally, you use some mistyped comment that was inadvertently unclear in reference to Jim Ryun's domicile as a premise for categorically questioning all other statements. This is a formal fallacy: your conclusion does not follow logically from the premise upon which you base it, thereby making your own statement invalid.
Just for your future understanding, that is essentially the definition of "non sequitor". The fact that you use someone else’s statement further invalidates it.

Wow, an even deeper irony: out of ignorance, in your inconsistent and laughable diatribe you used the very same invalid arguments you attacked.

It is no longer an assumption that you merely do not comprehend the finer points of critical thinking and the necessary concepts for making and refuting arguments. Obviously the methodology for coherent and systematic reasoning is something beyond your grasp.

This is simply further affirmation that most right wingnut bloggers, including those people with the courage of their convictions to use their name on the site they create, as well as those, like you, that lack it, base their limited knowledge and even more limited skills on attempting to emulate Karl Rove and his Sophist Book of Rhetoric.

Sad as it is, that appears to be all that is desirable and the best our party can strive for today...

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what the terms mean you flaming liberal.

Look, you clearly did not know who Paul Ryan is versus Jim Ryun. Anyone who reads your post can see that as plain as day.

My point was your use of big words does not cover up the fact that you are not a Republican and that your obsession with Tom DeLay and Jack Abramoff is borderline pscychotic. And, your attempt to link Nick Reid to them is just a conspiracy theory.

You are someone who wants to believe the worst case scenario is the truth. You have bought into the media lie that all politicians are crooks, particularly Republicans. It's ok if you did, just admit it, but don't run around saying you're concerned about truth and critical thinking but then turn around and call Nick Reid a "Karl Rove loving neo-con crook" with no basis in fact or proof. It undermines everything else you said.

Maybe you should try some good ol' fashioned common sense, you know, get out a little more, get to know your neighbors, realize they are actually conservative people and try to help good Republicans like Nick Reid get elected instead of complaining so much and dreaming up conspiracy theories.

7:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have a valid arguement to lay out, do so, and spare us the op-ed.

Here is the form, in case you have forgotten:

1. premise
2. premise
3. conclusion

11:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Your decision to abandon any attempt at logical discussion over the merits of the listed facts falls somewhere between sophistry and Reductio ad Absurdum."

What the hell does this mean? RAD is a tool used in formal logic to prove expressions...Did he use it because he thinks it sounds cool?

1. Anyone who would use RAD in the context of the above quoted statement is a moron.
2. 10:15 used RAD in the above context.
3. Therefore, 10:15 is a moron.

11:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my....

More attempts to deflect discussion about the truthfulness of previous statements by changing the subject, while again offering no attempt at refutation. The fatigue of a long, disappointing campaign must have worn you out.

When you are ready to explain your arguments against these statements of fact in detail, I’m sure anyone still around that reads your words will be relieved to finally have your intelligent insight into why you think there is no connection. However, I do not anticipate you will respond intelligently, but instead continue the tired, worn-out rhetoric that has been emblematic here from the beginning.

By the way, the intricacies of logic are such that you need to access the obviously unused cell matter in your brain that allows for objective observation of a situation from the standpoint of neutrality. When you do, enlightening details come into plain view, and the reason for certain comments become plain.

For instance: isn’t it absurd for you to continue debating these subjects:
1. even if you were correct
2. on a blog titled ObeyOut2006
3. as it will not now change the election results in anyway

You lose again yet again...

8:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"It's not the critic who counts. It's not the man that points out where the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to those who are actually in the arena, who are marred by dust, sweat, and blood who strives valiantly...who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat."
Teddy Roosevelt

2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the so called liberal Republican; yours is a cold and timid soul.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"By the way, the intricacies of logic are such that you need to access the obviously unused cell matter in your brain that allows for objective observation of a situation from the standpoint of neutrality. When you do, enlightening details come into plain view, and the reason for certain comments become plain."

You do realize that this is how an arguement becomes fallacious, don't you? No one is saying that you cannot make an assertion. But, you need to label it as such. If you are looking to improve yourself in this area, I can suggest some great books you can read, available on Amazon. I encourage you to do so, because when you start talking about logic, it becomes clear that you are talking out of your ass.

8:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke... quoting a progressive president out of context: you left out the middle portion of this statement on purpose, "...who err, and fall short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...". Just as Reid (you) fell short this year, it will happen again. To beat Obey in 2008 we need to find a REAL progressive Republican, someone who's head is out of the Reagan 80's and up to date with the way the world is today.

It's easy to cut and paste from other websites, but you do it poorly.

7:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a joke... quoting a progressive president out of context: you left out the middle portion of this statement on purpose, "...who err, and fall short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming...". Just as Reid (you) fell short this year, it will happen again. To beat Obey in 2008 we need to find a REAL progressive Republican, someone who's head is out of the Reagan 80's and up to date with the way the world is today.

It's easy to cut and paste from other websites, but you do it poorly.

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone is stuck on stupid.

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes.... that's why it was sent twice: in case you didn't get it the first time.

It's good you finally understand...

7:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, no need to get snippy. 'Twould be a waste of energy, since no one is listening to you anymore.

I find you quite entertaining though, mostly because of your outrageous (and idiotarian)assertions.

You should write commercials for

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice comeback many fuses did you have to replace after you came up with that one?

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that the same person, dispatches two comments 6 minutes apart, pretending that this two-bit fungus hole of a blog actually has people who are on edge about the incomparably imperceptive ponderings that are posted here...

Then again, the owner of this convoluted two-bit laughable piece of electronic chicken feces has exhibited this schizophrenia copiously and continuously for the past year, while never displaying the courage of his convictions to publicly claim ownership of this tripe.

This is typically representative of all the simian gutter tramps and marble-sharp simpletons that are similarly prevalent as the ambiguous proprietors of this type of media: rather than showing the testicular fortitude needed to validate and defend their beliefs, they prefer obscurity, anonymity and cowardice.

In and of its own, this lack moral fiber invalidates any credence to your words.

7:11 PM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

Nice post coming from, oops, you too are "anonymous."

11:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:11, have you taken your medication yet today?

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth hurts, doesn't it? By the way, it's not my blog, crap for brains. As you seem to not have any personal faith in anything you say, you leave yourself subject to ridicule by continuing: get used to it.

If you did have the ‘nads to stand behind what you create in a public forum like this by putting your name to it, then you would at least lend some credence to your statements.... By cowardly remaining unknown and continuing to operate a slimy second-rate unintelligent and outdated attack column of little note, you remain laughable and pathetic.

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's so laughable, why do you keep reading it and posting on it?

4:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to see how often you're willing to respond with more losing commentary... It's repetitious, but I'm winning a lot of bets on it....
Another $25.00 for this one...

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you guys hear someone say something? Oh, right, it was probably nobody...

9:04 PM  

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