Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Punting on 3rd Down

Without even trying to forge a bi-partisan compromise as he bragged he could do in debates with Nick Reid this fall, Dave Obey has decided to not address the unfinished appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2007. Good Job Dave!!! Proud to have you as our appropriations chairman!!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes.... Did you even READ the article about the mess our party has left this country in?

"The Congressional Republican Leadership started the year with a budget so unrealistic that their own members rejected it. Despite the best efforts of the chairmen of the Appropriations Committees, the GOP has ended the year without so much as completing work on a single appropriations bill that invests in our communities, provides for the medical care of our veterans, helps to fight crime in our communities, or works to make college more affordable. It is a record of dismal failure for the American people. Now, the incoming 110th Congress will have to clean up the mess left behind.

The new Congress will face, as one of its first orders of business, the job of finishing the appropriations process for the current year."

Reid's support for this group was ridiculous and so out of touch we are lucky for the turnover AND the fact that he was also not elected.

By the way: why is this outdated blog already stumping for the recently defeated candidate? We need to find a REAL Republican in the 7th District to run in two years, not the same carpetbagging fundamentalist zealot with no experience and no clue...

Oh yea.... how forgetful... This IS Reid's site...

7:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Punting on 3rd Down"? Jesus Christ. This congress skipped town without even sticking around for the coin toss. Whoever you are you need to get a frigging clue or shut your moronic yap.

7:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh man... you two need to read the entire 44 comments under "Anonymous and Illiterate" (an ironic title, considering the rank obscurity the owner of this site skulks behind). The last post is most insightful, and I'll paraphrase:

"I find it amusing that the same person (the owner of this site) dispatches two comments 6 minutes apart, pretending that this two-bit fungus hole of a blog actually has people who are on edge about the incomparably imperceptive ponderings that are posted here...

Then again, the owner of this convoluted two-bit laughable piece of electronic chicken feces has exhibited this schizophrenia copiously and continuously for the past year, while never displaying the courage of his convictions to publicly claim ownership of this tripe.

This is typically representative of all the simian gutter tramps and marble-sharp simpletons that are similarly prevalent as the ambiguous proprietors of this type of media: rather than showing the testicular fortitude needed to validate and defend their beliefs, they prefer obscurity, anonymity and cowardice.

In and of its own, this lack of any moral fiber invalidates any credence to your words."

His most recent attempt at seriousness further exemplifies his ineptitude and lack of understanding of the real issues confronting our nation.

8:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa... wait a minute.... the way I understand this Obey and Bird are trying to reduce the crap that our party indulged in for he last 12 years:

They propose to allow "no Congressional earmarks in the joint funding resolution that we will pass. We will place a moratorium on all earmarks until a reformed process is put in place. Earmarks included in this year's House and Senate bills will be eligible for consideration in the 2008 process, subject to new standards for transparency and accountability."

Ok. I thought I was a Republican and against Obey. So why does this sound rational and intelligent, and the guys I've been supporting sound like a bunch of nucking futs????

Please don't respond with some obscure stupid poem or a quote by Teddy Roosevelt, who was a REAL Republican president. Doing so only further shows how stupid you are. If you can't frame your thoughts for yourself, you need to open your mind to the real world.

8:50 PM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

Did you even read the post? I know it was short, but did you even stop to understand what it meant? It says, "Without even trying to forge a bi-partisan compromise as he bragged he could do in debates with Nick Reid this fall, Dave Obey has decided to not address the unfinished appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2007."

We are not defending the actions of Congressional Republicans nor the Senate Democrats that REFUSED to ALLOW appropriations bills to move in the Senate by employing procedural tricks to stop debate (it's called cloture, which means you need 60 votes to move legislation and the Republicans only had 55).

What we said was, Obey didn't even try. It's true. No poems, no platitudes, just truth. Obey didn't try.

And if you listened to his debates with Reid, Obey went on and on about how he was able to work with Republicans and would move bi-partisan bills. Instead, he isn't even trying and he's blaming Republicans. Typical Democrat, lie to get elected, then do whatever the heck you want.

Oh, and we don't post anonymously. When there's a post on this site from its authors, you'll know it.

4:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus CHRIST! You ARE a MORON. Our party skipped town without completing the job they, as the majority, were supposed to complete.
THAT is the starting point.
Defend it: what would YOU do Nicky???

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Moron 4:23: Nicky Reid is not mentioned in the link you placed here, on your blog, in the post you started.

The link you posted leades to the actual news release from Byrd's office. Whatever neo-con/xstian coalition/heritage foundation *f'd* up spin article you thought you were cutting and pasting, you screwed up again.

I'm man enough to admit the party I have supported blindly for over 20 years has been raping the country, trying to diddle pages, lied about Iraq and did absolutely nothing constructive the last 6 years.

I'm doubting my party and the leadership, as well as the neo-cons that have led this shameful attack on us.

I may never vote for Obey, but he at least sounds rational. Nicky Reid sounds like another toe sucking vampire from the religious right that I would support even less, an I probably WOULD vote for Obey to see that his type never again makes it into office.

6:44 PM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

Again, Democrats in the United States Senate BLOCKED efforts to move Republican appropriations bills, specifically so they could claim Republicans screwed up. The Republican House of Representatives passed all but one of their appropriations bills. In fact, Obey bragged about voting for several of them in his "bi-partisanship."

Our point was, Dave Obey didn't even wait till he actually became Chairman and TRY to pass the bills. He punted without expending one ounce of energy. If Democrats were so great and could do such a good job managing the bills and getting them passed, then it should have been easy for him to wrap it up in January. But, he's not even going to try.

As for Nick Reid, what we said was Obey bragged about his ability to cross the partisan aisle and work with Republicans to get the job done in his debates with Nick Reid. We didn't say the link talked about Nick Reid (again it was a short post, please read carefully before commenting). Obey is not even attempting to do the job he claimed he could do. Can you defend that?

Yes, we agree, Republicans could have and should have done better, but that wasn't the point of the short and to the point post. Obey is breaking a campaign promise, and we're calling him on it.

8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Om my FRIGGING god: you quoted Nicky Reid as if it were part of the article you were citing, in effect saying it related to him. You are an illiterate MORON.

Get a life or try to understand basic English.

5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quote, from YOU:

"Yes, we agree, Republicans could have and should have done better, but that wasn't the point of the short and to the point post."

It will take years to try to correct the crap our party has laid. The intentional defecation on on the constitution and Bill of Rights is deplorable. Damn good for SOMEONE to start cleaning it up...

Maybe I WILL vote for a Democrat in the future.

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, we agree, Republicans could have and should have done better, but that wasn't the point of the short and to the point post. Obey is breaking a campaign promise, and we're calling him on it."

In other words, abdication of duty, going AWOL' is ok as long as you're a Republican or in the Air Guard. You say that it's acceptable to ignore and overlook this and the other crap my party is responsible for over the last 6 years, but you're calling Obey on a "campaign promise" that you seem to have made up.

Real men take responsibility when they screw up, and I see NONE of that here or in the slimey people voted out.

You ARE Nick Reid aren't you?

3:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the guy who thinks he is the literary god...if you hate this site so much, why do you keep reading and posting?

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am offended that one of the posters (8:50) referred to Bob Dylan's poetry as "obscure" and "stupid." I expected better from an elightened moderate "Republican."

...sigh...I guess its too much to ask of a liberal to know the history of his own ideology.

9:40 PM  

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