Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Stating the Obvious

According to Joe Wineke, Wisconsin Democrat Party Chairman, Democrats think they should be in charge. Big shock. That's right, according to Wineke, "It is time to give the Democrats a chance."

Wineke takes the typical liberal Democrat line of "a chicken in every pot." Yes, if you have a problem, it looks like Wineke is promising the Democrats will solve it. Need a job, we'll give you one if you vote for us. Need health care, the government will provide it. Just vote for us.

That's really the fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans. Republicans believe that every time the government tries to solve your problems, they create a bigger problem for you. Take jobs for instance. During the 40 years the Democrats were in control of Congress, unemployment was higher on average than the last 11 years of Republican control. During that time, Democrats supported higher taxes and more regulations on our economy. Apparently Wineke and the Democrats want you to "give them a chance" to do that again.

Democrats also want a chance to allow Social Security to go bankrupt, to drive health insurance costs through the roof with more regulations and unlimited lawsuits, and to allow family-friendly tax relief to expire.

The funniest thing to us at Obey Out is that Wineke is claiming the moral high ground on ethics. Not only were there corrupt Democrats in 1994, the Democrats today are guilty of many of the same ethics violations they accuse Republicans of. When Democrats do it, they are "mistakes" and "reporting oversights." How can Dave Obey take 2/3rds of his campaign contributions from DC-based lobbyists and special interests and that be ok, but when Republicans do it, they are too beholden to special interests? How can the Minority Whip, Steny Hoyer, have his own K-Street Project (just like Tom DeLay's) and that be ok when it was evidence of DeLay being corrupt? Wineke is quick to point out Duke Cunningham's bribery charges, but conveniently forgets that Rep. William Jefferson, a DEMOCRAT, is under indictment on similar charges and former Rep. Ballance is sitting in jail for directing public resources for private gain. What a joke Wineke.

Oh, and by the way Wineke, Obey is leading the charge on a bill that makes virtually NO changes of substance to the system. Why? Because Obey knows he's completely beholden to special interests and he is trying to cover it up. He knows that Democrats intend to bottle up reform legislation so they can run on the issue this fall. He knows that this is all politics, and after 37 years, if there's one thing he can do, it's play politics.


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