Monday, January 09, 2006

Upon Further Review

We at Obey Out believe that if you didn't do anything wrong, you shouldn't be required to give back legal campaign contributions.

That said, this Malkin post talks about how when Clinton was in the White House, Democrats received more Indian tribe money connected to gambling. Presumably to help curry favor with a Democrat Administration. Jack Abramoff got in trouble primarily for charging huge fees to these tribes and then directing them to give contributions to "helpful" lawmakers. Presumably, to help curry favor with a Republican Administration. Dave Obey says it was a Democrat who represented the tribes that gave him money when he got it. According to Obey, that's ok. However, when Abramoff, a Republican, gets Indian tribal money to Republicans, it's not ok. It's a culture of corruption.

Obey Out wonders if anyone at the Justice Department is looking into how the tribes' lobbyists pre-Abramoff directed contributions?


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