Thursday, February 09, 2006

Deficit Reduction Act

Dave Obey joined with all of his Democrat colleagues voting against the deficit reduction act last week.

In this slanted piece by John Nichols, he said the deficit reduction act "slashes almost $40 billion in funding from health care programs for the elderly, the disabled and low-income children, that restricts access to higher education for millions of Americans, and that kicks working farmers in the teeth." (we particularly like the kicking farmers in the teeth line, really creative and brilliant journalism there buddy) He goes on to use "slashed" "draconian" "devastating" to describe it.

We know Nichols and Obey are two peas in a pod. In fact, it sounds like Nichols actually writes Obey's speeches for his scorched earth trips into the district.

Let's actually look at the plan. Before the deficit reduction act was passed, mandatory spending programs were slated to grow at an average of 6.4% per year (double or triple the rate of inflation). After the Republicans passed the deficit reduction act, yes after they pillaged, devastated, slashed and kicked in teeth, mandatory spending programs will still grow at an average of 6.3% per year. Yes, your eyes did not deceive you, we said G-R-O-W.

Some of us believe that we should rein in spending on these mandatory programs so that they only grow at 3-4% instead of 6-7%. We think Republicans should go farther and make more substantial changes in how they spend our money.

People like Nichols and Obey will not be satisfied till we return to the Carter-era days of the federal government taxing as much as 70% of income (we all remember how great our economy was back then, right). They want the government to control more and more of our lives. They want no accountability from bureaucrats to run their programs more effectively and efficiently. They basically want socialism.

At the very least though, at least they should be honest with the people of Wisconsin. 6.3% growth in spending is not now, nor will it ever be a cut.

Let's throw Obey Out of Congress and let him and Nichols tip a few back and grouse about the good ol' days.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

fear and smear, that's Obey's way. I hope these three Republican candidates are ready for it.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obey's getting so old and has been in congress so long, maybe he's forgotten the carter era.

12:35 PM  

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