Saturday, September 09, 2006

Debate Coverage

Here's the Duluth News Tribune story - another pretty bland story, but at least someone covered it. Now that it's after Labor Day, the Obeyite Reporters can't pretend he's running unopposed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I notice that Ron Brochu wrote this article. Why doesn't Shelley Nelson write an article?

She's basically answering Reid's press releases in the form of reporting. When Reid called for Obey to make his schedule public, because he had missed 30+ votes this last session, the Telegram ran a PR article on Obey doing a one-man hearing with Douglas County bureaucrats. At the end of the article, they gave his schedule for the following weeks.

It WASN'T a natural fit with the rest of the article.

They tacked it on the end, so it was almost laughable. It would be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.

If this was unintentional on Nelson's part, my advice to her is that she needs to use her wits more. Was this whole story not an election year stunt? Obey LISTENING to his constitutents isn't news. It's the way Obey should always be. But, then again, it happens so little (Obey listening) maybe it is newsworthy.

6:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that article...the picture they had on the front page was pretty amusing. Clearly Obey didn't care what those bigwigs were saying. He didn't even have a notebook in front of him taking notes. The table in front of him was empty....LOL!

6:29 PM  

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