Tuesday, September 05, 2006

One Week Out

With one week to go to the primary, what do we know?

1. Dave Obey has enjoyed an extra two months of not having to campaign because there was a Republican primary.
2. Based on FEC reports, the winner of this primary will have no money left over to start the general election. That will most likely be Nick Reid, who is running far ahead of where any Republican has ever been on Labor Day, but is suffering from having to make sure he wins the primary first.

That's the bad news. The good news . . .

Republicans across the district need to become more energized. In a year where being a Republican in America doesn't seem to be cool, Mark Green is running a statistical dead heat for governor and there is a marriage amendment on the ballot. Both are good news for a Republican congressional candidate in the 7th district.

So, if you have been sitting on the sideline - when the primary is over, open your checkbook or get out your wallets, pull out your credit card and make an online contribution. If you're like us and have already made your choice, send a last minute contribution today.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More Bad news: This is a big I told you so, to all those who continue to support Tyberg's lost cause, and rejected an endorsement. FYI it isn't 1978 anymore!! The cost of campaigns is a lot more these days.
More Good News: Reid and his team are working their rear ends off to get the job done anyway. I recieved a mailer from them, and I saw almost 20 people working for them here at the Wausau parade on Monday.

9:15 AM  

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