Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rearranging the Deck Chairs

As further evidence Dave Obey doesn't have his eye on the ball, we offer the following report from Congress Daily in Washington.

"Incoming House Appropriations Chairman Obey is proposing to add two additional subcommittees and break up two others, largely doing away with the GOP reshuffling that occurred two years ago, according to sources."

Some of our commenters have suggested it was Republicans who are to blame for Obey punting on 2007 spending bills. We agree that Republicans, coupled strongly with fillibuster threats from Democrats in the Senate, did not get the bills done. However, we now have proof that rather than negotiating to finish the bills, Obey is negotiating on the make-up of the committee. Obey is trading process for substance and doing a further dissservice to the American people in the process.

According to the story, "Decisions on subcommittee jurisdictions and "cardinals" probably will not be final until January when Democrats meet to hash out committee assignments, and Obey also needs to complete negotiations with incoming Senate Appropriations Chairman Byrd. Obey's staff declined to comment or confirm details. A Byrd spokesman said talks were ongoing, and the final product might look different."

Giddy with the chance to make a power grab, Obey is focusing his time and energy on rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship rather than repairing the hole. We're not shocked, with Democrats it's about having the power to tell people how to live their lives, not about doing good for the majority of Americans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the pithy comments from the Democrats pretending to be Republicans?

Wait, I hear it coming, soon they will be calling me and everyone else who posts here a moron or an idiot. Yep, won't be long now till they come to Obey's aid and defense.

I agree with Obey Out on this one, there's no excuse for not even lifting one finger to try and pass the spending bills old Byrd and his Democrat Senate buddies blocked this year.

9:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Republican and lurker on many blogs, I’d like a response here about some of the questions posed about this blog, as well as the 7th district candidate, Nicky Reid.

How about you first try to answer some of the unanswered questions that have been posted previously, which I bring forward below:

“I find it amusing that the same person (the owner of this site) dispatches two comments 6 minutes apart …

Then again, the owner of this convoluted two-bit laughable piece of electronic chicken feces has exhibited this schizophrenia copiously and continuously for the past year, while never displaying the courage of his convictions to publicly claim ownership of this tripe.

This is typically representative of all the simian gutter tramps and marble-sharp simpletons that are similarly prevalent as the ambiguous proprietors of this type of media: rather than showing the testicular fortitude needed to validate and defend their beliefs, they prefer obscurity, anonymity and cowardice.

In and of its own, this lack of moral fiber invalidates any credence to your words. "

And how about the non-response to this:

“…you quoted Nicky Reid as if it were part of the article you were citing, in effect saying it related to him. …”

And the truly revealing:

“You again do not attempt to engage in any commentary regarding my specific points of fact. You would rather use tired, cyclic arguments based on vapors and vague innuendo to blame others rather than look in the mirror and contemplate reality. Such is life among the fallen in our party.

Carpetbaggers with no district loyalty have been been attempting to run our country for the sake of personal gain for over one-hundred years, so you are in company, although I would not call it "good".
Please note the following that was posted in response to one of your first attempts at satire on this blog, back in October, 2005.


As this "blog" appeared right after Reid moved to Wisconsin with the sole intent of running for congress, I think you hit it right on the head.

Rereading the entire website today shows a complete slant for him from the start.

As amateurish as his attempts are to appear as some neutral “anti-Obey” group of individuals, it is apparent that his intent was to run a “free” website that attacked his republican opponents right from the start, with Obey becoming the target later on.

Check the immediate attacks on Tyberg (in one of the first posts in early October, 2005, “A Message for the Seventh”), the convoluted comments on “Reid Does Radio” from October 31, 2005 and many other statements that obviously originated directly from Reid and/or someone in his inner circle.

For a laugh and a direct connection between Reid and this site, check the profile information and links for the "Democrats for Reid" profile under the Reid Does Radio link,

Beyond the obviously laughable interests of Latte Drinking, Volvo Driving, Listening to NPR and Yoga, is the more obvious connection to a profile in the Latte Drinking group with the screen name (surprise!!)"Democrats for Ryun"!!!!!

That profile states: “My name is Democrats for Ryun. I wish my party would stop attacking Mr. Ryun and embrace his leadership. I'm a yellow-dog democrat who has broke ranks with my party to support Congressman Jim Ryun. I also drive a Volvo." The profile also lists among his interests: "Mocking Josh Rosenau, Apologizing for Howard Dean's ignorance and incompetence".

Josh Rosenau happens to be a REAL blogger who helped lead the groundswell that got Ryun de-elected to liberal Democrat Nancy Boyda last week as well as helping shoot down the “Intelligent Design” freaks that had taken over the Kansas Board of Education.

In an obvious and somewhat sinister connection, BOTH profiles were created in JULY 2005, months before Reid announced his candidacy. Not surprised though, are we.... he had been planning this blog even before he had moved to the district...

The connections are obvious and show that Reid created, ran and continues to run ObeyOut as an additional campaign website.

I don't know if I rate this whole sham as unethical, humorous, sad or just plain childish, but obviously this is someone who does NOT represent my values as a Republican, although he would have fit in well with a number of people who were just shown the door in Washington.
Posted 11/13/2006

And the truly sinister, which seem to reveal how the 7th district has been used by the radical right in our party:

“…(Jim) Ryun is a Kansas native who got elected because he stayed at home and got to know the people of his district and their needs before running for congress. Like Dave Obey.

Reid, according to interviews, decided as an adolescent he wanted to be a politician, left the state and ignored the people of the 7th district until moving back a year ago: some commitment to the district.

He has never worked outside of the same group of narrow-minded radical right-wingnut Christian group of zealots that feel it is their right to run the country in the name of god rather than for the good of all citizens.
These are facts: obfuscate away.

By the way, as this humorous little site ripped on Obey for owning the same house in the D.C. area for 20+ years, and is fond of the “guilt by association” argument towards him, consider the case of (Jim) Ryun’s home in D.C.:

On December 15, 2000, Ryun bought a townhouse in the District of Columbia from U.S. Family Network for $410,000, in a private sale.

No problem there, except that U.S. Family Network is an organization controlled by Ed Buckham, Tom DeLay's former chief of staff, and funding of the organization came mostly from convicted felon Jack Abramoff's lobbying clients. Millions of dollars of money were funneled and laundered through U.S. Family Network for personal and PAC use by Buckham and Delay

Ironically, the townhouse had only been purchased two years earlier to house Buckham's consulting firm, Alexander Strategy Group, and DeLay's ARMPAC. No problem there, except Buckham had purchased it for $429,000 in 1998, $19,000 less than Ryan paid. Very cozy.

When questions arose as to whether Ryun had paid full market value in 2000, his office released documents showing that another home on the same block was sold for $409,000 on the same day he bought his home.

However, according to property records, it was discovered the other home is on land about half the size of Ryun's and was assessed in 2006 as worth only $528,000: Ryuns was assessed at $764,000 at the same time.


I wish some radical right-wingnut Christian zealots that would offer to sell me a prime piece of real estate for ½ its value, even without knowing that it will almost double in value in 6 years.

I’m sure I would not own them anything in return either...
No worries though, Ryun was shown the door by the people in his district.

For more fun, try Googling Tom Delay, Jack Abramoff, The Heritage Foundation and Ed Buckham together.

Among all of the amazing, sinister and illegal connections is a trip funded by the Heritage Foundation to Malaysia from August 30 to September 4, 2001. Buckham joined Tom DeLay, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fl.) and Ander Crenshaw (R-Fl.) and their spouses, as well as Edwin Feulner and his wife Linda Feulner, and Ken Sheffer. The Feulners and Sheffer were principals of both the Heritage Foundation and the lobbying firm Belle Haven Consultants, the latter assisted Abramoff on many occasions with moving lots of money into private accounts...

How Delay, Buckham, The Feulners and Sheffer, sheltered by the umbrella of the Heritage Foundation, laundered hundreds of millions of dollars into private accounts and Delays PAC’s is all public record, and a prime example as to why we lost again to Obey, Ryun lost to a liberal woman, we lost the House, we lost the Senate and the word Republican is mud to 57% of the people in this country.

Say... didn’t Reid work for both Ryun and the Heritage Foundation?”

I wait patiently for your response, and will bring these points up repeatedly until they are each answered in depth.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship rather than repairing the hole."

Your metaphor is lame.

Our party is the one responsible for this bloated 2007 ship as well, CORRECT????

Bush did nothing to veto the pork in the last 6 years, so that the previous 6 budget "ships" were all run aground by our party. And some party too: Haliburton and others geting billions of dollars while the deficit went into the trillions.

I'd rather see the deck chairs on the 2008 budget arranged so it can float rather than continue the crap we've seen. Count me as another Republican for Obey at this point.

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow...I cannot beleive you conspiracy theorists devote so much of your time and energy into an rather unknown political blog months after the election. Don't you have anything better to do? Like maybe explaining how Bush was actually behind 9/11.

And another thing, I know Nick Reid pretty well and I know that he does not author this blog. Furthermore, why would a congressional candidate waste important time on a small-time blog appeasing your pithy comments?

And even if Nick did author this site........WHO THE HELL CARES?!?!

If Mr. 10:06 (who thinks he's pretty damn smart by the way) would spend his time on something productive, maybe we'd be in better shape.

I'm sure you'll come swooping in here with some ten dollar words trying to refute what I've said, but I live in the real world, so I have to go to work and pay bills and stuff like that, so I may not get on here right away to see what dismal comments you've added.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And to obeyout2006, don't even bother arguing with these cooks. Everyone with three brain cells that reads this site can tell who the actually idiots are. Wow...I've stooped to their third grade name calling.

"you're an idiot!"

"No, you're an idiot!"

"I'm rubber and you're glue..."

Grow up.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

.... again, more lack of guts in not response to any valid questions.


4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And you have proven my point with shining colors!!

You are checking this site at 4:30 in the morning and your only response is:


I offer this advice with the utmost respect for whoever you are...get a life!

And as far as valid questions, "And even if Nick did author this site........WHO THE HELL CARES?!?!"


7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see the headlines now..."This just in, Mr. 4:27 who choses to remain anonymous has just broken a monumentous story! Let's go to him in the field.

This is probably the biggest of the year, Bob! I have proven (kinda...I think...maybe...I guess so...depends on how you define proven) that Nick Reid, months after the 2006 elections which garnered him less than 4o% of the total vote, is authoring a no-name political blog that is visited by less than 10 people a day (gasps). I know, I can hardly beleive it myself!"

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus F'n Christ. Check the time of your own post. This is not real time, but run by servers time zones away.

And you want to be a congressman....?!?

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha...that's all you've got?

Soooo sorry. Let me refrase my story.

I can see the headlines now..."This just in, Mr. [6:27] who choses to remain anonymous has just broken a monumentous story! Let's go to him in the field.

This is probably the biggest of the year, Bob! I have proven (kinda...I think...maybe...I guess so...depends on how you define proven) that Nick Reid, months after the 2006 elections which garnered him less than 4o% of the total vote, is authoring a no-name political blog that is visited by less than 10 people a day (gasps). I know, I can hardly beleive it myself!"

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And P.S. I've noticed that you've failed to answer the questions I've posed, "in depth" mind you.

Here's a couple of 'em:

"To the guy who thinks he is the literary god...if you hate this site so much, why do you keep reading and posting?"

"Even if Nick did author this site........WHO THE HELL CARES?!?!" It would his time that he's wasting...not yours.

I beleive it was Plato, or someone of equal stature that once said, "I'll wait patiently for your response, and will bring these points up repeatedly until they are each answered in depth."

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was raised a Republican.

I remember my father turning purple, gnashing his teeth and grinding his pipe to pulp whenever FDR was mentioned. I stand by my beliefs that Kennedy was a deplorable man, Humphrey was a near Communist, McGovern was a Communist and Carter was a wimp.
MLK was a pig and, trust me, Clinton will be judged the worst president since Grant.

I am a Republican. If you dare to call me a Democrat or doubt my loyalty, you further call into question the reason for this blog. I will be blunt and to the point, which is more than I can say for most people here.

Whoever runs this site has his head so far up his Nick Reid's butt he's tasting Reid's breakfast, and the fact that he's too yellow to answer any questions posed here places him in the same company as the people that have been screwing us in Washington for the last six years.

The lies and deception that have spewed from our party now leads me to the brink of becoming an Independent, and even consider voting for Obey next time around unless we can find someone with real Wisconsin Republican values to run against him. Otherwise we will NEVER have anyone pull more 35% against him.

We're beating ourselves in the primary, because we can not get enough people out to vote early and BELIEVE we can beat Obey, and end up running people who CAN NOT win.

And speaking of "Mr. 35%", just how in the hell did we get have a carpetbagger who is getting his strings pulled by the fundamental extremist right even get our nomination this time around?

I answered that in the previous paragraph.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it amusing that the same person (the owner of this site) dispatches two comments 6 minutes apart...

Then again, the owner of this convoluted two-bit laughable piece of electronic chicken feces has exhibited this schizophrenia copiously and continuously for the past year, while never displaying the courage of his convictions to publicly claim ownership of this tripe.

This is typically representative of all the simian gutter tramps and marble-sharp simpletons that are similarly prevalent as the ambiguous proprietors of this type of media: rather than showing the testicular fortitude needed to validate and defend their beliefs, they prefer obscurity, anonymity and cowardice.

In and of its own, this lack of moral fiber invalidates any credence to your words.

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The underlying premise to ALL of your arguments is that Nick Reid authors this site. Bottom line. Since he does not, and since there is absolutely no way to prove that to you, what do you want?

"even consider voting for Obey next time around unless we can find someone with real Wisconsin Republican values to run against him."

If that isn't the biggest contradiction I've ever heard!

Instead of bitching about what's over and worrying about what hasn't happened yet, I would be the FIRST person who would enjoy meeting a candidate of your suiting. Until then, we will probably continue to talk about Nick since he just ran.

We talked about Scott West for 7 years after he lost the last time. It has been two months and you want another candidate and election already. When you find one let us know, otherwise, your blathering is a waste of time.

I too was raised Republican and am reconsidering some issues, but you are living in the past when we all should be looking to the future.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing...I too would like to know who authors this site, but I know Nick and I know that he doesn't author the site. During the campaign he barely had time to sleep let alone run this site. It would certainly end all of this bickering if the authors would release their names and be done with it.

5:54 PM  
Blogger ObeyOut2006 said...

1. Not one of us is Nick Reid.
2. Whoever keeps posting 2000 word posts, please stop. You're quite redundant.
3. If we did reveal who we were, what difference would it make (see #1)?
4. Are you saying that either of the other two Republican candidates were better than Nick Reid?
5. If your answer to #4 is no, then who should run?

What we were doing in this campaign was trying to support a good candidate who was working hard and making personal sacrifices against a left wing liberal who has represented this district for far too long. We provided many good reasons that Dave Obey was wrong for this district and why Nick Reid was a better alternative. What would be helpful from our now infamous poster would have been for you to taken this information and worked your butt off to defeat Obey.

9:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hah, An anonymous poster lectures the author of this site for his/her anonyminity...What a joke.

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh-oh, my last post (9:20) was a mere FOUR MINUTES after the Obeyout author poster!!! ---dramatic music stab--- You idiotarians aren't going to think I am the author of the this site, are you?

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Obeyout 2006, I know that you guys are not Nick, but I think the point that this guy is trying to make is that the secrecy of the authors adds to the suspicion. So, if you think it wouldn't make a differnce if we know or not, just let everyone know.

Once you tell everyone, this guy can be satisfied and we can get on with some constructive discussions.

7:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cannot satisfy a nut-job. You can only feed him.


(Know who said that??? I said that.)

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to wonder what the secrecy is all about too...I'm not the nut job, but would still like to know. They said so themselves, "If we did reveal who we were, what difference would it make?"

Tell us then, if doesn't matter of course. If you do not, then it obviously DOES matter.

4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a regular commenter/reader from the northern part of the district. I say you tell all those who want to know who you are to GO TO HELL.

Just a suggestion.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am starting to wonder. Whoever the guy (or guys) is posting the crap, he has made a very good point or two, although most of it is redundant. ObeyOut, whatever IT is, has refused to answer questions and continues to hide.

I could care less if you are Nick or a close friend, but what is the big deal? Either you take PRIDE in your blog, have FAITH in what you do, BELIEVE in what you say and put your NAME on it, or simply continue to revel in secrecy that draws into question EVERY WORD you post on your own site.

Which is it?

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And like someone noted before, "If we did reveal who we were, what difference would it make?"

You guys kind of set yourselves up with that one. I honestly didn't care who the heck you were, but you might as well spill the beans now.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

'taint gonna work, fellas.


11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That makes a lot of sense. Quite mature as well.

The "nah-uh" defense won't work. If it DOESN'T make a difference, then just let people know.

I can hear the conversation now..."Oh man, they want to know who we are. Let's dodge the ball by telling the nah-uh and it doesn't matter."

I've got a better one, "taint gonna happen fellas. Yeah, that one should work."

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owner here, whoever it is, faults and derides a commenter an assumption that Reid owns this blog, writes it or otherwise directs it, without showing any evidence otherwise.

(Considering Reid's background, Christian education, religious studies and political groupthink training, I personally think his writing style would be well above the level skills exhibited by this blogs author.)

For the heck of it, I copied and reread ALL of the comments posted on this site since it's inception in October 2005, especially those over the last few months that have somehow started the tantrums and name-calling. (If you wish to do so, I'd suggest you do it soon: I imagine all of this will disappear before too long to be replaced by "ObeyOut2008")

I have copied below a post that, although long, does make a direct connection between Nick Reid and this blog. Whether or not he is the author, it is evident that this is a pro-Reid site, operated by someone who knew about his intention to run before it was announced, had inside information and worked for him from the beginning. Despite the cmments and bias, the post makes some very good points:

"...As this "blog" appeared right after Reid moved to Wisconsin with the sole intent of running for congress, I think you hit it right on the head.

Rereading the entire website today shows a complete slant for Reid from the start.

As amateurish as his attempts are to appear as some neutral “anti-Obey” group of individuals, it is apparent that his intent was to run a “free” website that attacked his republican opponents right from the start, with Obey becoming the target later on.

Check the immediate attacks on Tyberg (in one of the first posts in early October, 2005, “A Message for the Seventh”), the convoluted comments on “Reid Does Radio” from October 31, 2005 and many other statements that obviously originated directly from Reid and/or someone in his inner circle.

For a laugh and a direct connection between Reid and this site, check the profile information and links for the "Democrats for Reid" profile under the Reid Does Radio link,

Beyond the obviously laughable interests of Latte Drinking, Volvo Driving, Listening to NPR and Yoga, is the more obvious connection to a profile in the Latte Drinking group with the screen name (surprise!!)"Democrats for Ryun"!!!!!

That profile states: "My name is Democrats for Ryun. I wish my party would stop attacking Mr. Ryun and embrace his leadership. I'm a yellow-dog democrat who has broke ranks with my party to support Congressman Jim Ryun. I also drive a Volvo." Among the intrests listed on the profile is: "Mocking Josh Rosenau, apologizing for Howard Dean's ignorance and incompetence".

Josh Rosenau happens to be a REAL blogger who helped lead the groundswell that got Ryun de-elected to liberal Democrat Nancy Boyda last week as well as helping shoot down the “Intelligent Design” freaks that had taken over the Kansas Board of Education.

In an obvious and somewhat sinister connection, BOTH profiles were created in JULY 2005, months before Reid announced his candidacy. Not surprised though, are we? Reid has been planning this blog even before he moved to the district...

The connections are obvious and show that Reid created, ran and continues to run ObeyOut as an additional campaign website.

I don't know if I rate this whole sham as unethical, humorous, sad or just plain childish, but obviously this is someone who does NOT represent my values as a Republican, although he would have fit in well with a number of people who were just shown the door in Washington.

Posted 11/13/2006 11:41 PM"

Although titled "ObeyOut", based on this and other information, it more aptly should have been named "ReidIn". I just don't understand why the author does not come clean, admit it, identify him or herself, and then get started with trying to defeat Obey in 2008.

4:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does appear that Democrats for Reid and Democrats for Ryun are the same person. However, that doesn't mean they are the same person(s) who created Obey Out. In fact, if you read how the Democrats for Reid/Ryun write and how Obey Out writes, it's completely different. My assumption is that Democrats for Reid/Ryun is someone from Kansas Nick Reid met when he worked for Jim Ryun. The rest of that post just appears to be a conspiracy theory. I think the Obey Out authors should remain anon. It will keep the focus on getting Obey Out and not on the authors of the site.

11:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The assumed neutrality is what is bothersome: The focus appears to be getting Reid elected and NOT impartially finding the best candidate for our party. Why don't they just admit that?

7:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The focus was on getting Reid elected. He was the Republican candidate (and objectively, he was the best candidate running). The election was November 7th. NOW the focus is on getting a Republican elected, whoever that candidate may be.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The blog author has already declared that the author of this site is not Reid.

Are you saying he is a liar?

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No. Not anymore or less than "he" has said the same thing about Jeff and Obey.

Jesus Christ are you thick.

7:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although the last poster was a little on the rude side, he makes a point: the owner of this site called Tyberg. a liar on a number of occasions, including the post
"Where have you gone Jeff Tyberg?"
( This type of attack started from the beginning.

I am not claiming Reid is the author. Let the owner have his anonymity: hiding in the dank lends little authenticity to his words anyway.

The real issue is that the owner again deflects the commentary from the sites origins and true intent. What he did not address (again) is that this site was created NOT just to defeat Obey but also to work FOR Reid from the beginning.

Let me repeat that, so it is not misunderstood or ignored: this site was created NOT just to defeat Obey but also to work FOR Reid from the beginning.

How about a third time just in case, as the previous person stated, you are “thick”: this site was created NOT just to defeat Obey but also to work FOR Reid from the beginning.

Read all of the owner’s posts from the start and you will see that to state otherwise is not truthful. Period. Until this is admitted, the legitimacy of ObeyOut is shadowed, and it even begins to casts doubt on Reid's legitimacy as a candidate in 2008.

8:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since some commenters are so keen on using His name in a bad way, I think it best using it in a good context by wishing you all a merry Christmas. May God continue to bless and protect America (including all the folks I disagree with) this coming year.

So, to all you Obey staffers posing as liberal republicans, to all you disgruntled Tyberg supporters who think Jeff would have won, to all you conspiracy theorists who think that this blog is a minion of Nick Reid and his henchmen, to all of you yellow dog dems who would vote for Satan himself as long as he has a "D" by his name, to all you true blue (or red, rather) Conservatives who were crestfallen by the current direction of the Reps, and to all of you true moderates (God only knows why you believe what you believe) all of you, I wish you a merry Christmas.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you studying to be a member of the clergy or something? You use Christ's name in vain so much, I wonder....You may be able to be a Unitarian minister, but I think using Christ's name in vain is an automatic disqualification for the priesthood in the Catholic church. (Or so I've heard)

3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real issue is that the owner again deflects the commentary from the sites origins and true intent. What he did not address (again) is that this site was created NOT just to defeat Obey but also to work FOR Reid from the beginning.

4:36 AM  

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