Thursday, March 29, 2007

More Taxes

Today, Dave Obey voted for the largest tax increase in U.S. History, $400 billion over 5 years. Broken down, here's how it would impact America.

26 million small business owners, by an average of $3,960.
48 million married couples, by an average of $2,899.
42 million families with children, by an average of $2,181.
12 million single women with children, by an average of $1,082.
17 million senior citizens, by an average of $2,270.

Good thing we put these guys in charge. Hopefully President Bush will veto the Democrats' plans.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. All this proves is that you know how to cut and paste propaganda from our failing party leadership in Washington. So much for you claiming to represent OUR district…

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only that: the exact same quote is already posted on over 70 blogs, and 200 other sites. No attempt to explain these figures or examine their validity, just blatant spoon fed comments from the Washington insiders in our party who are now so far out of touch they are grasping for straws.

It does show, however, that the people who run this site are the same lemmings who lost the November elections nationwide for us. No wonder we'll never win here.

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Obey never found a tax he didn't hike.
I'm waiting for him to tell the working people of his district who will be paying more taxes because of his votes to F' off.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love angry little liberals who claim to hate the site but yet still comment on every post and probably read it every day.
I wish they would simply create they're own site, here are some topics for the first few posts:

Killing Babies
Let The Criminals out!
More Rights Needed for Terrorists!
Lighter Sentences for Sex Offenders
Gay, Straight, Beastiality; It's all the same
Killing Babies Will Save Lives
Terrorists are People Too

Just a few to get started.

1:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find humor in the fact the the nitwit extreme radical right wing neo cons that lied to the American people to get us into Iraq (and still will not admit any mistake along the way) are now being distanced by the mainstream of our party.

This site itself is a humorous echo of the dying tide that has led our country to the brink of ruin.

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. And the fact that they keep dredging up the SAME exact vomit that Nicky Reid ran so unsuccessfully on is a clear sign that he is running again.

It's time we find a REAL Republican in our district to run against that demon Obey, rather than a carpetbagging extremist right wing rubber stamper for Jerry Fallwell and the whackos at the Heritage Foundation.

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is your shot then, name and or describe in detail the "real," Republican that you seek.
Let me guess, it will be a Pro Choice, Anti-war, Tax raising, gay marraige supporting, spend more liberal. Right?

12:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave Obey does not win elections because voters agree with his positions on issues or personally love him. That has been shown in polling data over the years from many of his opponents. It is also shown in the many times over the years that voters will vote for him at the same time they vote for Republicans who have completely different views on the issues.
The reason he wins is that he has 100% Name ID and 10 times as much money as anyone to run against him. Ironically 90% of that money he has comes from New York, Washington, Arizona and other places well outside WI.
In the last election didn't have like 1.5 Mill in the bank compared to Nick Reid's 300k?
What Republican's need is a candidate who can either raise the money, or personally finance the money, to run against him and get a message out.

2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree totally and it proves my point: a carpetbagging extremist right wing rubber stamper for Jerry Fallwell and the whackos at the Heritage Foundation can not raise the money, or personally finance the money, to run against Obey and get a message out.

Nicky Reid needs to crawl back to Kansas or to his job with the weirdos at the Heritage Foundation, and we need to get on with finding someone who represents our party in the 7th district and is willing to do what it takes to win.

5:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...political dialogue is so intelligent these days...

9:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last poster:
What do you expect when democrats invade the site? They are so deranged with their conspiracy theories and hate they don't understand how insane they sound. Maybe Ann Coulter was right when she titled a book "How To Talk to Liberals If You Must." The implication being you shouldn't waste your time.
Now, everyone who puts their money where their mouths are and actually works for the ideas they believe in the 7th CD knows that Nick Reid is not running next year. So get over it. In fact maybe the liberal democrat who is posing a republican on this site could run in the primary. After all what really need in politics are more personal attacks, name calling, and bumper sticker slogans.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would the "liberal Democrat" here please raise his hand?

4:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the people that created this site are the ones that are paranoid and looking over their shoulders. The majority of our own party has now seen the slime and corruption created by the neo-conservatives, the lost lives in a useless war, and the lies that has brought us to this point.

If they seem shrill and contemptable, they have brought it on themselves...

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people who are shrill are the so called moderate republicans (read liberal dems) who constantly come on the site to complain and launch personal attacks. How many times have the repeated the mantra of "Neo-Con, Falwel, ect..." lines. It seems they can't make arguments only attacks of a personal nature. A laundry list of complaints and name calling aren't positions on issues. Bumper sticker mentality doesn’t work here.

12:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I see: that would indicate that the drumbeat mantra that is wheeled out by our party leadership every two years to drive the religously zealous and borderline moderates into a rabid foaming rage is acceptable?

You know, things like "gay" marriage, tax cuts for the wealthy, immigration, the war on "terror", and liberal eco-whacko feminist pro-choice activist judges who are trying to turn our christian country of 300 million people communist?

Come on... We as a party have had our butttons pushed by the appropriate buzzwords too often. November was a reality check, and the number of people who are jumping to independent status is reflective of the Dems losses in the same way. We need to talk about REAL issues, not bunk.

2:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:46:

If you think that the only reasons for going into Iraq were neoconservative ones, you are mistaken. The reasons started out as legit concerns (legit in the eyes of most everyone except for the Noam Chomsky types) but became neoconservative/democracy building. Whether this was the plan of Bush all along, or whether he went in this direction because he had no where else to go, I don't know, nor do I care.

I don't know if some of the folks commenting on this website are dems posing as republicans, nor do I care. They are either liberal or partisan anyway, and therefore a disease to the form of politics we have here in America.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're saying that this site is in no way partisan and not part of the "disease to the form of politics we have here in America"? Explain that please.

Likewise, I and others wait breathlessly for you to explain in detail the "legit concerns" for us going into Iraq.
A simple request, I think....

12:34 PM  

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