Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Obey's Priority - Class Warfare

According to this story, Dave Obey wants to make this about "us versus them."

" . . . Congress is moving in a new direction and is being run by people with a different set of priorities - putting the needs of average working people ahead of the economic and political elites . . ."

Seriously, does Dave Obey really expect us to believe that Republicans sit around in a room and say, "how can we screw people who make less than $50,000 a year?" Let's remember, that Republicans passed the tax relief that reduced to zero the amount of federal income taxes a family of four who makes $45,000 a year pays.

The economic and political elites of the world who live in Washington and New York and Los Angeles support the Democrats, not the Republicans. And Dave Obey should know, because it's the liberal, rich, elite from the East Coast that do the most to fund his campaigns.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Critizing someone for saying election results are a call for going in a new direction????... Have we forgotten this quote?

"A new administration is an opportunity for change and a new direction."

Comments from George W. Bush, just prior to his first inauguration ( online at: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/inaug/2001-01-19-friday.htm

No news here.... keep the line moving....

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obey Out's type of 7th Distict Candidate: Michele Bachmann.

Our neighbor states neo-con fundamental-extremeist whacko right-wingnut (who felt up W during the state of the union address) and has pushed the heritage foundation agenda in Minnesota at the local level for yeara, just like what Nicky Reid and the South Shore Six want here.

Her latest crock of steaming feces were lies in which she claimed to have knowledge of Iranian plans so secret, no one else has ever heard of them:

"Iran is the troublemaker... And you know why? It's because they've already decided that they're going to partition Iraq."

She stated that half of Iraq -- "the western, northern portion of the country -- will be called the Iraq State of Islam, something like that. And I'm sorry, I don't have the official name, but it is meant to be the training ground for the terrorists. There's already an agreement made."

This from a congressman with less than monnth on the job and who sits on NO committees that either party trust her with...

Fear mongering, hate, lies, stupidity and lunacy: Perfect for what this site is pushing. I suggest Obey Out draft her as soo as she is sent packing from Minnesota... she's right up their alley...

8:24 AM  

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