Obey Drops Pork Bribes and Inserts Union Payoff
Dave Obey revealed a new funding proposal for our troops in Iraq. It calls for shorter funding authorization and benchmarks without an automatic date to withdraw troops. But according to this Politico article, he has dropped the pork spending bribes and replaced it with a union payoff of a minimum wage vote.
If I were a member of congress who'd been promised a pork project for my district and was then told I was simply getting another minimum wage vote, I'm not so sure I would take that deal.
Oh well, the unions are Obey's (and most liberals) biggest benefactors, and they must be demanding this.
Should be interesting.
If I were a member of congress who'd been promised a pork project for my district and was then told I was simply getting another minimum wage vote, I'm not so sure I would take that deal.
Oh well, the unions are Obey's (and most liberals) biggest benefactors, and they must be demanding this.
Should be interesting.
What's amazing is that there are bloggers who are fighting tooth and nail to legitimize their writing as serious journalism. Then there is this site...
How you can link to an article titled "House Dems Wrestle With War Timelines" but attempt to mislead people by lableing it "Obey Drops Pork Bribes and Inserts Union Payoff" is beyond yellow journalism.... it is, as usual, a deliberate misinterpretation of a serious news article.
I'd call it urine journalism.
Funny thing: you neglected to mention the article linked on the same page that is titled "Obey to Kucinich: #$%@!!!" (http://www.politico.com/blogs/thecrypt/0507/Obey_to_Kucinich_.html).
Obey is sounding more and more like a middle of the road politician with his head on straight, as compared to the extremists on the far left and the nuts that are staggering to the precipice of the far right (including those that run this little dismal bag of bad gas).
No wonder Obey wins so easily in the 7th...
Great post,
A couple of other items are out there to consider as well. One Obey's new book is comming out soon and checks in at 496 pages. I'm curious if anyone will buy it, and who wrote it for him? Should be some great tid bits in there to laugh at that's for sure.
And yesterday it was revealed that the democarts are writing bills that demand that the CIA moves satellites trained on terrorists too focus on the north pole to track global warming. That makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? But who should be suprised, after all last year he claimed the number one issue in America is global warming.
Like so many of the so-called "leaders" in our party, you sure know how to twist the truth, or just repeat the words spoon fed to you by others
The article about this lame ass idea is found at:http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-intel4may04,1,3908408.story?track=rss. Two key sentences you "failed" (read "intentionally failed") to mention are:
'The study announced Thursday by the office of Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnell was underway before the House committee passed its bill,'
which points your accusation away from the democrats, and
'"The intelligence community has for a long time studied the impact that environmental factors — things like scarce resource and natural disasters — can have on global security," said CIA spokesman Paul Gimigliano. "Those are real issues,"',
which further points the accusation for this miserable crap at the current administration.
You lied. Like Bush. Fortunately, your lie has cost no American military deaths at this point.
If another attack occurs, no doubt democrats will wring their hands about the lack of Intel available to stop attack.
Ignoring the fact that dems are pulling needed resources away from fighting terrorists, and giving it to the fight against global warming. And of course their efforts to kill anti-terrorist measures such as the wire tapping program, patriot act, and aggressive questioning of terror suspects.
Arguing on a blog is like being in the Special Olympics: you can tell people you've won, but you're still retarded.
"Ignoring the fact that dems are pulling needed resources away from fighting terrorists": Please show your proof this.
And of course their efforts to kill anti-terrorist measures such as the wire tapping program (which the courts have said is illegal) patriot act (aspects of which our own party has major issues with) and aggressive questioning of terror suspects (torture).
If you want to live in the Soviet Union, please leave ...
It's a must-read from politico...
I agree. A must read. Obey even had Dirtbag Delay's number right from the very start, before he ran our party into the ground.
Jeff Tyberg is running for congress again.
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