Thursday, June 14, 2007

Who Ya Gonna Call - Pork Busters

Americans For Prosperity is holding a rally today to call on Dave Obey to fulfill Democrats' campaign promises to bring more transparency to the earmark process. Obey has proven that he will simply practice business as usual when it comes to running the appropriations committee.

Here's the press release:

In response to Congressman David Obey's attempt to hide pork-barrel earmarks from American taxpayers, I'm excited to announce that Americans for Prosperity's Wisconsin chapter will hold a grassroots rally tomorrow, June 14, outside of Congressman David Obey's home office in Wausau in support of pork-barrel transparency.

At the rally, grassroots taxpayers from Congressman Obey's district will call on him to release all of the pork-barrel earmark requests he has received from rank-and-file Members of Congress so they and other taxpayers around the country can help the Appropriations Committee Chairman evaluate their merits.

We'll also present Congressman Obey's staff with the names of hundreds of Americans who have volunteered to help him review more than 36,000 requests for pork-barrel spending. Just one day after AFP helped kick off an online petition drive, more than 700 Americans have signed up to help the overworked Chairman.

Our rally will also feature a giant pork-barrel pig, which our members plan to rename in Chairman Obey's honor.

If you're in the Wausau area tomorrow, be sure to join us at Noon on the sidewalk outside Congressman Obey's office at First Star Plaza , 401 5th Street , in Wausau .

And if you haven't already done so, be sure to sign our online petition at