Wednesday, February 22, 2006

More Evidence - Obey Out of Touch

Obey votes 100% of the time with ultra-liberal environmental group. Yes, the League of Conservation Voters (don't be fooled by the name, in fact LCV should stand for Lack of Commonsense Voters), gave Dave Obey a perfect score - making him perfectly liberal on environmental issues. He opposes any exploration for sources of oil to get us through the short term as we look for new sources of energy. He opposes forest thinning which prevents widespread forest fires (the burning of which causes far more damage to the environment then harvesting and replanting trees).

The heart of the matter is that Dave Obey cares more about liberal special interests in Washington than he does about common sense conservation. Just ask our local timber industry that provides thousands of jobs in Wisconsin, Dave Obey is not a friend to them.

It's just another example of how out of touch Obey is with us.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

seriously obey out, can you start a 527 and start doing auto calls to voters in the 7th district about Obey's out of touch record?

12:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, voting to keep clean water and air is really out of touch. Grow a brain.

12:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to anonymous who says,"Yeah, voting to keep clean water and air is really out of touch. Grow a brain."

Nice sound bite. Great. The people who have brains won't just take your sound bite answer, they will investigate for themselves.

This liberal environmental group is there simply to score partisan political points for Democrats. Not every vote they scored even had anything to do with the envirnoment.

Just because a Republican supports the timber industry here in Wisconsin (which provides tons of jobs and does an excellent job replanting) does not make him or her anti-clean air and clean water.

Just because a Republican thinks we could open .1% of ANWR in Alaska (a place that is barron, not pristine) to try and provide a short to mid-range solution for energy, does not make him or her anti-environment.

We have a brain, we don't mindlessly follow partisan liberal special interests like apparently you and Dave Obey do.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Ben said...

Actually, I checked the League of Conservation Voters, and their issues are pretty mainstream. I don't see why restitution for companies that violate pollution laws is a far left concept

9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obey Out can't start a 527 becuase then he'd have to admit he's a tool of Nick Reid's campaign. No one could possibly make these postings without having worked for Congress.

5:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ben - you can make your policy positions sound mainstream and you can score ridiculous Democrat floor amendments, but that doesn't make you a mainstream organization.

to the last anonymous poster, first are you saying that none of the rest of us are smart enough to figure this stuff out? second, if obey out was a tool of the reid campaign, who cares if they're taking shots at Obey and not the other Republican candidates. third, I think Congress is going to put some pretty strict restrictions on 527s, so about the time they'd get one going it would have to be shut down anyway. finally, you are a tool.

7:31 AM  

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