Friday, April 28, 2006

We Couldn't Have Said it Better Ourselves

We love it when someone else says what we've been saying. Check out this Herald-Sun article from North Carolina (a paper apparently not as afraid to use a quote from someone who calls it like they see it rather than quoting Dave Obey's press release and taking it as gospel as so many papers do here in Wisconsin):

Yet some experts argue that the legislation created by Price and Reps. Barney Frank of Massachusetts, Tom Allen of Maine and David Obey of Wisconsin, who call themselves "The Gang of Four," is merely political posturing.

The bill "is not going to get anywhere near the floor [for debate]," said Ken Gross, an ethics lawyer at a Washington, D.C., firm. Gross said the Democrats knew this, and so they created overly strict provisions to politicize the issue.

That's right Mr. Gross. If Dave Obey thought this bill would pass, he wouldn't have offered it. He lives for the free trips and free meals and unlimited special interest and lobbyist campaign contributions.

Doyle Still Under 50%

According to Rassmussen Reports, Governor Doyle cannot break 50%, in fact he can't seem to break 47%, against Mark Green. The survey has the race at 47%-43% for Doyle. Not great for an incumbent who's been in office for 3 1/2 years. That's counter to the theory that this is a tidal wave year against Republicans. It sounds more like a general dissatisfaction with incumbents. This gives a good chance in the 7th District since we have a 37 year incumbent who has given us plenty of reasons to be dissatisfied.

Remember, we're staring down the possibility of $4 gas and Obey has voted against increasing domestic supply capabilities as well as for every silly regulation that drives up prices. For this policy alone we should turn him out to pasture.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Obey Said What

Congress is talking about lobbying reform today, a bill Obey seems to oppose. This is what Dave Obey said,

"This bill does nothing whatsoever to stop the fleecing of the taxpayer . . ."

We're confused. Dave Obey has voted for virtually every tax increase and against virtually every tax cut since he's been in Congress. He has voted for nearly every spending increase possible since he arrived in Congress as well. Dave Obey has made it his business to fleece the taxpayer every chance he gets.

The legislation he commented on would list the which Congressman asked for earmarks (spending requests by Members of Congress).

Here's our theory on why Dave Obey doesn't want earmarks listed - because he doesn't work now to get that many for the 7th District. Much of the money that comes here is at the behest of Senator Kohl. If the names are listed with the earmarks, Obey will be held accountable for what he doesn't do. He won't be able to direct some of his earmarks to his pet liberal projects, including for his son - a lobbyist in DC. So, why list earmarks when you don't get that many considering you are the highest ranking Democrat on the Committee.

Or maybe Obey wants to go back to his false claim that the way to stop fleecing the taxpayer is to get all private money out of the process. Of course, that would mean that taxes, rather than freely given campaign contributions, would be used to fund campaigns (so, as a taxpayer, if you voted against Dave Obey 18 times, he would still get some of your money to run for Congress - yes you would be fleeced). We know Obey has turned down an opportunity to limit his campaign spending voluntarily. He REFUSES to voluntarily do what he supposedly thinks is right. It's because he merely wants to score political points. He raised 73% of his campaign contributions from Washington, DC based special interest PACs and their lobbyists. He does this every year. He has no intention of backing down from it.

Moreover, this legislation bans Congressman Obey's beloved Aspen Institute trips that have flown him all expenses paid around the world. You name an exotic location, and Dave Obey has been there, a week at a time, to vacation on someone else's dime. Of course, according to Obey, these trips have no special interest influence. That's a load of bunk -
as we pointed out here. Another good reason for him to oppose this legislation - no more free trips. Yikes, he'd actually have to pay for his twice a year vacations.

Our Congressman thinks we are stupid. He thinks he can say whatever he wants to and get away with it. This is a call to action. We cannot have this type of representation for 2 more days, let alone 2 more years!! Get behind the Republican push to retire Dave Obey now. We can do it if we all join together.

Obey's Intelligence . . . vote

Yesterday Dave Obey joined 55 of his fellow left-wing out of touch Democrat colleagues to vote against the following amendment:

The Supreme Court has unequivocally recognized that the Constitution vests the President with the authority to protect national security information as head of the Executive Branch and as Commander-in-Chief;

The Supreme Court has recognized a compelling government interest in withholding national security information from unauthorized persons;

The Supreme Court has recognized that secrecy agreements for government employees are a reasonable means for protecting this vital interest;

The Supreme Court has noted that “It should be obvious that no one has a ‘right’ to a security clearance”;

Unauthorized disclosures are most damaging when they have the potential to compromise intelligence sources and methods and ongoing intelligence operations;

Potential unauthorized disclosures of classified information have impeded relationships with foreign intelligence services and the effectiveness of the Global War on Terrorism;

Media Corporations and Journalists have improperly profited financially from publishing purported unauthorized disclosures of classified information;

Therefore, it is the Sense of Congress that the President should utilize his constitutional authority to the fullest practicable extent, where appropriate, to classify and protect national security information, and to take effective action against persons who commit unauthorized disclosures of classified information contrary to law and voluntary secrecy agreements.

After voting against that amendment to the Intelligence Authorization bill, an amendment that basically disapproves leaking classified information, he voted against authorizing funding for our intelligence operations overall. (Roll Call Vote 108)

We'd offer some sort of explanation, but it's really inexplicable. By these votes, Obey is against protecting classified information and he's against our entire intelligence gathering operation (and this isn't the first time he's voted that way). Makes us sleep well at night knowing Obey apparently doesn't support this critical line of defense against future terrorist attacks.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

A Tree Falls in the Forest

No, we're not talking about Dave Obey's abysmal record when it comes to the timber industry.

This race is starting to catch the eye of other bloggers . . . check out GOP3 - here and here.

We offer this as some encouragement to all of us who want to send Obey into retirement this year . . . there are other people out there who could get excited about this race. One of the ways to beat him is through "under the radar" means like this blog, e-mail, talking to your neighbors, calling into talk radio, and writing letters to the editor.

We pledge to continue to provide plenty of ammunition on this blog. Look back through our archives. If there isn't something on an issue you think Dave Obey is out of touch with the district on. Leave a comment here, and we'll do some research for you.

Together we can make this happen!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Robinson Endorses Reid

According to this release found on Nick Reid's website, former candidate Dave Robinson has endorsed Nick Reid as the Republican nominee to face off against Dave Obey.

Here's the text of the short release:

Former candidate for the Republican nomination in the Seventh Congressional District, Dave Robinson, announced today that he is endorsing Nick Reid’s candidacy.

“If we are going to get the job done and finally bring real representation to the Seventh District, we have to do it as a team with one voice united behind the candidate that has the best opportunity to succeed,” said Robinson. “I believe that Nick Reid is that candidate, and that is why today I am giving my full endorsement to his campaign for the Seventh Congressional Seat.”

Robinson who had been in the race for more than a year, made his announcement to step aside from the campaign Saturday, April 22nd at the Polk County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner in Dresser.

“Dave ran a strong campaign, and I know how difficult a decision this was for him and his family,” added Reid. “I especially want to thank Dave for his service to our country in the United States Navy. As a veteran and small business owner, Dave brought an important voice to the campaign. I am humbled by his endorsement, and I pledge that I will continue to work tirelessly to push forward our shared vision for a better tomorrow here in the Seventh District.”

Monday, April 24, 2006

Obey for Higher Gas Prices

According to this Ironwood Daily Globe story, Dave Obey made a little visit to commemorate Earth Day.

After 37 years in Congress, Dave Obey has done nothing to address our energy needs. He is the poster child for why gas prices are so high right now. The votes he has taken are for overly burdensome regulations and zero increased domestic supply of energy.

We all favor the development of alternative fuels, but you have to do something to address our current energy needs until those alternatives are developped. Yet, Dave Obey bows to the pressure of the left-wing environmentalists, who apparently would prefer a return to horse and buggy days, and he votes against increasing production of energy in the United States.

It just doesn't seem to bother Dave Obey that you could soon be paying $4 a gallon for gas. He thinks he can use it for political advantage, by blaming the Bush administration and "big oil companies."

Nowhere in his rather lengthy comments on the environment and energy sources did he say, "hey, here's what we can do to help lower your gas prices." We can only therefore conclude, it's because he doesn't want them low.

. . . . .

And to cap off his Earth Day comments, Obey said that we should have tough enforcement of our immigration laws. Just a reminder to those keeping score, Congressman Obey voted "no" (roll call vote #661) on tougher enforcement of our immigration laws. Nice to see Obey's consistent in one thing - political double-talk.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rumor Has It

From those in attendance at the Polk County Lincoln Day dinner last night, Obey Out has learned that Republican candidate Dave Robinson will withdraw his candidacy for the Republican nomination to take on Dave Obey in November.

We thank Dave Robinson for his willingness to put his name forward. We hope he will help the Republican nominee win this race in November. Which leads us to ask, will Robinson offer his endorsement to one of the other two candidates? Hopefully we'll know the answer to that question soon.

Friday, April 21, 2006

those living in glass houses . . .

. . . should not throw stones.

rumors are flying around the Internet that Rep. Alan Mollohan, the lead Democrat on the House Ethics Committee, is going to step aside from that post.

In case you missed it, for the last two years, seemingly at the behest of House Minority Leader Pelosi, has refused to allow the Ethics Committee to formally organize or investigate any ethics complaints. Many believed this was because the Democrats wanted to level the culture of corruption charges against Republicans without having any of the charges actually investigated. This looked pretty good for them when Tom DeLay was indicted and Duke Cunningham was convicted, both Republicans.

Recently, it has become increasingly clear that Democrat William Jefferson of Louisiana will be indicted after a former staffer turned lobbyist was indicted and has seemingly linked Jefferson to the same crime.

Now allegations have come out that Mollohan has seen his personal wealth increase by nearly 6000% in the last 7 years as well as questions about directing millions of dollars to interests controlled by close associates via his seat on the Appropriations Committee, including a former staffer.

So, now it appears that it was a mutually beneficial arrangement for Mollohan not to allow the Ethics Committee to be functional. It helped his standing with his party leaders, and it protected his backside.

This is the same audacity that lead our Rep. Dave Obey to proclaim recently that his all-expenses-paid trips around the world the last few years were "free from special interest influence." We put that little claim to rest yesterday.

It is also how Rep. Obey can self-righteously claim that he wants special interest money out of politics while taking 73% of his campaign contributions from DC-based special interests and lobbyists in the first quarter of this year as well as 91% of his contributions from outside Wisconsin.

Dave Obey and his cronies in the Democrat party in Washington have charged "Culture of Corruption" while engaging in their own "Culture of Hypocrisy."

Let's get behind a Republican in the 7th district this fall so that we'll have a Representative who we won't have to guess which side of their mouth they're talking out of.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Join Congress See the World - Obey Tells a Whopper\

Eureka, someone in the mainstream media is taking Obey to task for his travel indulgences. Yes, he took a $5,854 week-long trip to Jamaica in February. Then Obey had the audacity to call it "the gold standard of ethical trips."

Here are some excerpts from the Journal-Sentinel article:

Washington - In late February, House Democrat Dave Obey and his wife enjoyed a free, six-day trip to Jamaica.

The House was in recess. The week of Feb. 20 was billed as a "district work period," timed to Presidents Day.

Yet Obey was nowhere near his district office in snowy Wausau, where the week's average temperature never crept much past 17 degrees.

He was in sun-splashed Montego Bay, joined by nearly a dozen lawmakers and their spouses. The temperature hit 84 degrees when they arrived Feb. 21.

It continues:

Obey, for his part, staunchly defended the trips he has taken over the years courtesy of The Aspen Institute - to Paris, to Florence, Italy, and the Grand Cayman Islands, for example.

He called them the "gold standard" for ethical trips because they're funded by philanthropic foundations. No government, corporate, special-interest or lobbyists' money funds Aspen's congressional public-policy conferences.

Obey, in an interview, acknowledged they are. He said that in light of the multiple demands on lawmakers in Washington and at home, plus family responsibilities, "You're not going to get them to go to Peoria for a damn conference. That's why they have decent locations."

First, we must set the record straight. The Aspen Institute is full of corporate and special interest influence. Here is the link to its Board of Trustees On it you will find CEO's, Lobbyists, High Powered Lawyers . . . you get the idea. Here is the link to its Annual Report which lists support from Fortune 500 corporations. We don't know if Obey actually believes what he's saying, but when you defend something as the "Gold Standard" of ethical behavior, you'd think you'd check your facts first.

So, just to be clear, Dave Obey once again (and trust us he's been all over the world on these things, he averages two a year) instead of going home to his district to work, was in Jamaica, in February on an all expenses paid week long trip. The trip was funded, albeit not directly, by corporations, CEO's, Lobbyists, etc.

We're not implying that Dave Obey is doing anything unethical. However, he has clearly gotten so ingrained in the Washington, DC mentality that he thinks he can get away with telling his constituents this is a trip free from special interest influence.

At the end of the article, Obey tells whopper number 2 while retelling whopper number 1 -

Obey, who noted that he spends more than 100 days a year in his district, said the Aspen programs are "the best way you can have to learn about something." He said its conferences are different from others because of its rules barring special-interest funding - and lobbyists.

I dare anyone to find Dave Obey in this district for 100 days a year. That's a fabrication of laughable proportions.

Thanks to Katherine M. Skiba for calling Obey on the carpet on this issue. Keep spreading the word.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Republican Fundraising

Here is our review of Republican fundraising in alphabetical order (we once again waited a few days to look for all reports to come in).

Nick Reid - Cash on Hand $44,370

1st Quarter Raised $22,904 1st Quarter Spent $8783
Total Raised $58,498 Total Spent $16502
Candidate Loans $2374 (none this quarter)

David Robinson - Cash on Hand $5323

1st Quarter (and Total) Raised $4540
1st Quarter (and Total) Spent $9217
Candidate Loans $10,000

Jeff Tyberg - No Report Filed

Our Review:

Since Jeff Tyberg did not file a report, we must assume that in his one full year of campaigning for Congress, he has not raised nor spent $5,000 (because that is the FEC threshold for reporting). If he has, the FEC's lawyers will be in touch.

So, we are left to compare Nick Reid and Dave Robinson.

In this quarter alone, Reid itemized 5 times as many contributions (42 to 8) and had about two and a half times more unitemized (small donor) contributions.

Overall, Reid has raised from donors (i.e. excluding candidate loans) $56,000 while Robinson has rasied $4540, about 12 to 1.

Excluding candidate loans, Robinson is operating in the red by nearly $4700, while Reid is $42,000 in the black - a nearly $46,000 advantage for Reid.

Including loans (because it is after all money available to spend), Reid has banked 72% of everything he has taken in while Robinson has banked 37%.

Our Opinion:

We do not believe Reid's lead is insurmountable, but the evidence clearly indicates he is doing a better job at fundraising. Generally when you look at campaigns, fundraising is also a strong indicator of the strength of the candidate and his campaign. Because Reid has not yet hit $100,000 raised, it may be too early to call him the odds on favorite, but he appears to be the only candidate able to talk more than 10 people capable of giving over $200 (the FEC threshold for itemizing a contribution) into writing him a check.

Based on ability to raise money as of today, you have to say Reid stands the best chance to be competitive against Dave Obey in November.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Rep Dave Obey (Democrat from DC, AZ, NY, WI, Puerto Rico?)

Dave Obey received 91% of his campaign contributions from outside of Wisconsin, including a total of $55,400 from individuals in Arizona ($14,850), DC area ($18,200), New York ($14,750), Puerto Rico ($3500), and California($1500).

Dave Obey received $137,000 from special interest PACs based in DC. If you add this $137,000 to the $18,000 from DC-area lobbyists, you get $155,000 from DC-based special interests and their lobbyists. That's $155,000 out of $211,000 total raised.

Yes, 73% of Dave Obey's contributions came once again from Washington, DC compared to 9% from Wisconsin. The other 18% came from Arizona, New York and Puerto Rico.

So, if your Representative raises 91% of his total contributions and 74% of his individual contributions from OUTSIDE of WISCONSIN, who do you think he's beholden to because it sure isn't his constituents?

We know it's been a while . . .

. . . and we apologize for it being so long between posts. We were inadvertantly technologically challenged for a few days.

Coming up this week, FEC reports are out and we'll give you our take. Stay tuned.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Calling Out Obey

Dave Obey portrays himself as a champion of good government. In January of this year, he gained national attention and accolades for supposedly wanting to get private money out of politics and he's introduced a bill to do just that (see news release here). His legislation would have taxpayer paid for elections that cap spending - to give challengers a real chance he said.

We at the time called it what is was, a load of manure (post here). Congressman Obey has taken 2/3rds of his campaign contributions over the past few years from special interests PACs and their lobbyists and lawyers in DC. We, and one of the three candidates seeking to challenge Obey, called him on the carpet and asked him to limit his own campaign spending in 2006 to fall in line with his own legislation.

Obey has refused to respond.

The reason he's refused to respond is quite simple - Congressman Obey doesn't mean a single word of what he's saying. It's simply a partisan political stunt. Want further proof?

A few years ago, when Republicans were outraising Democrats in so-called soft money to political parties, Obey conducted a great deal of wailing and gnashing of teeth. "We MUST get this unregulated soft money under control or it will kill and destroy the very fabric of America."

Obey voted for campaign finance reform and soft money was eliminated from political parties.

At the same time, Obey and his Democrat cronies in Washington were filing a RICO lawsuit against Tom DeLay and the 527 independent political organization. They cried "corruption." They said, "you can't start a 527, it's an unregulated political organization. It's not fair, blah, blah, blah, blah."

Then and other liberal 527s popped up and started spending hundreds of millions of unregulated dollars to help Democrats get elected.

That's ok, Dave Obey is against unregulated private money in politics, right. Surely he will fight with the same vigor to stop 527s and their evil private money which is destroying America, right?


Yesterday Dave Obey voted against legislation to apply the same campaign finance reform laws he voted for a few years ago to 527s. This bi-partisan legislation was introduced by the same authors of campaign finance reform (Shays-Meehan). Yet, Dave Obey voted against it.

That's right, Dave Obey cares only about scoring partisan political points rather than voting for positions he says he holds. If the money is flowing the Democrats' way, he seems willing to throw his so-called principles to the wind.

When will the press starting holding him accountable for this? When will a reporter in Wisconsin have the courage to all Dave Obey on the carpet for his complete inconsistency on campaign finance? Is there an honest mainstream reporter out there anywhere?

This just in, Nick Reid has called Obey out on this vote (here). We hope the press picks up on it.

Meet the Candidates

Here's a story on Tyberg from March 15th.

Jeff Tyberg, 36, of Grantsburg has been traveling throughout the sprawling 7th Congressional District as a candidate seeking the Republican nomination to run against Democrat Dave Obey of Wausau.

Tyberg brings an interesting background to his candidacy. "I've spent the past 15 years as a part-time missionary, including one year as a volunteer on staff at an orphanage in Mexico and two years in the Ukraine. I am currently running for Congress because I want to serve our country."

"I was born the year Dave Obey was elected to Congress," said Tyberg. "People encouraged me to run. We need to return to government of the people, by the people and for the people."

"As I've been out on the campaign trail I met two gentlemen who remember back when our current Representative was first running. They both told me that one of his main arguments against a longtime incumbent was that he'd been there too long. According to Obey, once a person had been in Washington too long they weren't any good to their district anymore. Somewhere along the line the power and prestige evidently got to Mr. Obey, and the shoe is now on the other foot."

Tyberg said if elected he would limit his service in Congress to 10 years.

"Mr. Obey constantly touts his experience and seniority as reasons to keep him in office," said Tyberg. "But, after 36 years of his representation, where are we? The mining industry has practically been shut down, and along with it the shipping industry. The forestry products industry went through tough times and is still struggling to survive. Family farmers have been forced get big or get out, while their once fertile fields are sold for housing developments or bought by the bigger farms. And Wisconsin ranks in the worst five for local and state tax burdens. Why? Because for all of his campaigning on money he brings back to the district, Wisconsin ranks in the bottom three states for money coming back from Washington!"

"I will work to decrease the federal tax burden for all Americans, while at the same time fighting to get Wisconsin our fair share of the money that we do have to send to Washington. We've got nothing to lose, and everything to gain! It's time to begin forging a new path to a stronger future for the 7th District and America! The truth is we need bold new leadership in Congress! We need people who are committed to ending deficit spending once and for all, not just nibbling at the edges! It is time to end the entitlement mentality that permeates our culture! It is time once again to tell Americans to 'ask not, what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country!' I will work hard in Congress to lead us out of this trend toward dependence on government, and back to independence!"

Tyberg is a 1987 graduate of Grantsburg High School. "I have worked as a teacher, carpenter, truck diver, bus driver and cook," he said. His desire is to represent the 7th District in the 110th Congress.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Meet the Candidates

We are posting this story about Nick Reid. We looked for other recent stories about the other two candidates and could not find one. If you have a story from the last week and send it to us, we will post it.

Rhinelander Daily News article

Nick Reid remembers the exact time he got interested in politics.

He was attending a family reunion as a teenager and remembers a relative saying that he wouldn't be able to raise a family and live in northwestern Wisconsin.“There are no jobs” here, said Nick Reid, who was raised in Superior and now lives in Rice Lake.

Jobs and a business environment are key issues he is focusing on in his run for the Seventh District Congressional seat.Reid said Obey has voted against small businesses 92 percent of the time in the past year.
Reid, who worked in Washington, D.C., for the Heritage Foundation and then was press secretary to U.S. Congressman Jim Ryun of Kansas, has support from the National Republican Party for his bid against Obey.

He said the campaign isn't about Republicans or Democrats but about a better tomorrow.

“There is a stark contrast of our two messages,” Reid said.He said his message is one of hope, one to build a stronger economy for a stronger tomorrow.

To change the economy, Reid said the first thing to be addressed is tax burden. “It hinders small businesses. A small business with only five to 10 employees has to hire one or two people to meet the paperwork demands. We need to make it easy for profitability.

“Another concern is health care, he said. “There are problems and challenges to running a small business. Families need a stable economic environment which includes qualified affordable health care.”

He said Obey has voted against small business health plans in favor of Universal Health Care.

Reid graduated from Indiana Wesleyan College with degrees in Political Science and Pre-Law. He and his wife, Beth, have two children, Susan, 2, and Lucy, six months.