Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Statements from the Candidates

We decided to promote these statements from the comments section as they appeared . . .

Dear Obeyout blog and readers,

This is Jeff Tyberg, candidate for Congress in Wisconsin’s 7th District.

I want to state here publicly what I have made clear to my campaign volunteers and to Nick Reid personally, and that is that I and my campaign will not attack Nick Reid, and I will not condone anyone who does. My campaign volunteer coordinator is even now writing an email stating that his letter was unauthorized. It will not be repeated.

While my website and email have been attacked rather aggressively, I do not for one second believe it is Nick who is responsible.

It is my intent to run a clean campaign that will honor God and the people I wish to represent.

Jeff Tyberg

Dear Obey Out (and readers),

This is Nick Reid, running for Congress in Wisconsin's 7th District. I want to take a moment to urge you and your readers to remember that this campaign is about defeating Dave Obey and bringing real representation to the good people here in the 7th District. This November we have a huge opportunity and it is up to us to seize upon it with a united voice, or it will pass us by. That being said, I want all of you to know that neither I nor my campaign in any way condone any comments made on this blog toward my primary opponent. I also want all of you to know that I will be fighting to defeat Dave Obey in November regardless of who his opponent may be.

I pray that God would bless all of you as we strive toward victory in November.

Nick Reid
Candidate for Congress


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully this will give us all a breather and might clear up some misunderstandings being spread around via e-mail and phone calls. Once the smoke clears, hopefully the merits of the two campaigns will be examined.

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree. We needed this.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, there you have it. The candidate YOU endorse on this site says he does not condone speaking against his primary opponent. Thanks for that Nick.

I wonder though, how long that will last. I mean comments like:

"...a dim bulb with a Napoleon Complex..."

"...obvious loser..."

"...traitorous little wimp from Grantsburg..."

are hardly conducive towards the unity Nick is talking about. What I would like to see is an apology to Jeff, here on this blog, PUBLICLY (the rude remarks were made publicly..the apology should be so as well), by the poster of these particular remarks.

By the way, I am neither Jeff, nor am I a staff member of his (which has been said on this blog, in comments, are the only two supporters of Jeff in this district). I am someone who is currently supporting Tyberg, someone who considers him a friend, and someone who even took him to task a bit on his trip to DC over the 4th.

Also, setting the record straight a bit. Jeff told me over the phone (proving, once again, that I am not Jeff) that he did have some of his people out on the 4th. Certainly not in the numbers Nick had. But this blog reported that Jeff had no one out there, and it isn't true.

Further, this blog has reported that, "It is unfortunate that though asked to step aside by many people who know politics, Tyberg ignored their counsel." The truth is, only one person who "knows politics" has asked Jeff to step aside, and that was Nick. So, the "many" becomes "one". Sort of like the constant focus on Jeff stating that he met "A" congressman in DC.

That all being said, I would like to personally state that I believed this site to be a shill site for Nick. I did NOT relay my beliefs to his staff member who sent the email, it was just a personal belief. My reasons were mainly because after going through all the archives, I saw MANY (about 70%) of the blogs reporting "Go Nick Go says..." but only one reporting on something Jeff had said. Further, the only really nice thing I found on this blog (besides agreement from SOME that he is a nice guy), was:

"Jeff Tyberg gave good speeches. We agree with him on most of the issues. We are glad that he is willing to serve if elected. We think it's admirable that anyone would put their name on the line to run for office."

But, that was only 3 sentences in a blog story that did more Reid promotion.

My reasoning also came from the fact that some stories about what Obey did, with no mention of either candidate were followed with comments like "Yeah..Jeff should drop out." Which had NO RELATION to the story at hand.

To me, that was a lot of evidence pointing to a "spin" or "shill" site, thus forming my opinion of this blog site.

For this, I would like to apologize to the people who run this site. You have said you are not, and now Reid has said he does not condone things that are said against Tyberg here. I will accept that because I like Nick a lot and have had no cause to think he would lie to me. I think the heat and important of this race has more than one side inflamed a little bit.

So, keep up the good work, guys. As a newcomer to Wisconsin I have learned a lot about Obey by reading this blog. I was constantly disappointed in what was being said about Jeff, but I still came by for a visit now and again to see what more Obey was up to and see that he needs to go.

Your choice to endorse Nick's is your own, and I respect that. So now that it has been said, I would like to see a LOT more Obey reporting and a LOT less deragory remarks about Jeff.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I know I got a bit winded in this one.

P.S. I have included my name this time to further prove that I am not Jeff, nor am I Tim.

1:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for your comments bill. I like this blog because overall, it has been anti-obey, not anti-Tyberg. Nearly every time the subject of the primary comes up, Obey Out usually says something nice about Tyberg even if they are pointing out something they disagreed with or in endorsing Reid. The comments are just that, comments and I do not believe reflect the overall blog's philosophy or intent.

I personally support Reid, so I understand how some of the comments may be hurtful toward Jeff. However, I also support the rights of people to post those comments. I'm not saying they're helpful, but as Obey Out said, this is a race for Congress not class president, and the zingers thrown here are nothing compared to what the Democrats are going to say about our nominee, so hopefully it will help the Republicans get a little thicker skinned.

6:14 AM  
Blogger Tracy said...

I apologized to Jeff directly for inflaming the rhetoric on this site. I have removed my commentary from the blogs that were sited and I am sorry for having posted them in the heat of the moment. I will behave myself from now on.

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's great that everyone is cooling down, but lets not forget that some of the Tyberg people had said Nick was like Obey and was corrupt because he had raised money. If we're keeping score Bill, we have to point that out too.
I hope everyone keeps they're focus on Obey from here on out. I do honestly like both guys, but I strongly support Nick. I feel he has the organization and resources to finally get the word out about what is going on with Obey.
Any negative comments I've made have been because of frustration over this primary hurting our chances in the long run. That's all. But it is here now and we have to move forward. That's my two cents.......

2:28 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Since Bill was attempting to set the record straight, I must disagree with one point he made:

"only one person who "knows politics" has asked Jeff to step aside, and that was Nick."

Not true. I will allow those who did ask him to step aside answer for themselves, but it was many more people than Nick (including people who have been running campaigns for years). Thank you for admitting Nick knows politics though; Jeff does not.

5:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's true bill, Nick was called a little boy playing dress up. Someone either on this blog or gop-spot called Nick's supporters "pukes", etc, etc.

6:57 AM  

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