Friday, August 04, 2006

Drinkin the Kool-Aid

The Madison Capital Times rushes to the defense of Dave Obey.

In an apparent lapse of reality, Dave Zwiefel commends Obey for pushing the minimum wage. Problem is, Dave Obey voted against raising the minimum wage last week.

He blames it on conservative issues here:

"This Congress, though, would rather spend its time debating flag burning, gay marriage and other measures aimed to divide Americans than offer a helping hand to the less fortunate among us."

First of all, Republicans put a $2.10 raise in the minimum wage on the House floor for a vote last week, and Dave Obey voted no. I know we already said this, but it bears repeating.

Second, protecting the flag and protecting marriage have the support of at least 68% of Americans. How is that dividing Americans, exactly Mr. Zwiefel?

I know as a liberal Mr. Zweifel that you feel compelled to defend Obey's vote against the minimum wage. All you're doing is trying to muddy the waters. It's almost as if you're trying to say Obey didn't actually even vote on the minimum wage. That Republicans didn't bring it up for a vote. But, that's false. Republicans did and Obey voted no.

What this whole episode proves is that Mr. Obey, and his liberal friends in the media who won't print anything Obey's Republican opponents send out, that they don't want the issue of the minimum wage to be resolved. Instead they want it as a political issue to campaign on this fall. If you don't believe us, remember that Dave Obey didn't hold town hall meetings to help seniors sign up for the prescription drug plan till after the deadline for signing up passed.

It's all politics and power for Dave Obey. It's as simple as that.


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