A Little Bigger
We are not going to fire this blog up to every day status for a few more days, but we wanted to let you know what we plan on doing. Besides, we don't believe many people are using their time between Christmas and New Year's to follow politics. We aren't.
We intend to complete our series pointing out why Dave Obey has no grounds to call the President a security threat.
The House of Representatives isn't scheduled to come back into session till the last day of January, and won't be in session much in February, so the real action will begin in March (when Dave Obey will probably do what he can to continue growing government). During that time, we will look back at other votes Dave Obey has taken over the years that show him to be out of touch with the average person in the Seventh District.
We also hope to get a better handle on the race to send Obey into retirement. We believe it will start to shape up in late January. To that end, we will conduct another online poll around that time to see if people are paying attention.
We are kicking around the idea of having a "send me your Dave Obey story" series where guests contribute posts that we will highlight.
We have a lot of good ideas, and hope we can put them to good use next year as we seek to kick Obey Out of office.