Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Public Financing of Elections

This op-ed calls on legislators in Madison to pass partial public financing of elections. They think that passing limits on campaign spending will improve the ethics of those running for office. We at Obey Out want to let Congressman Obey (who supposedly supports this on a federal level) and the other free-speech limiting supporters of this legislation, in on a little secret. If the people aren't ethical to begin with, it doesn't matter if you limit spending on their campaigns.

People who get caught up in scandal generally ignore existing rules. What makes these people think if you change the rules that unethical people won't break them too?

We should not give into the demands of spending our (this is a Republican-based blog) tax dollars to support Democrat candidates. I don't want one penny of my tax money supporting the advancement of the Democrat agenda.

As for Obey, let's remember that he receives most of his campaign financing from DC-based special interests and their lobbyists AND he refused to voluntarily limit his campaign spending when given a challenge from Nick Reid.


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