We have to comment on Scott Walker's exit from the race to garner the Republican nomination for Governor.
First, we at Obey Out didn't have a dog in this fight. We would have supported Green or Walker in the General Election wholeheartedly.
In a time in politics where people often put themselves above their party's chances to win an election, Scott Walker did the right thing. In fact, Scott Walker has improved his position to run for higher office in the future by stepping aside. Should he choose to enter another race in the future, many Republicans will line up behind him because of the good will gained by stepping aside and giving Mark Green a clear shot at Jim Doyle.
It's also good for us here in the Seventh District. Mark Green can now begin to build a statewide organization aimed at doing one thing, turning out enough votes to beat Jim Doyle in November, with no Republicans upset because their candidate lost the nomination. Our nominee here in the Seventh will benefit tremendously from this organization effort.
One thing we noted was that Walker realized that Republican money was sitting on the sidelines until after the Primary. While we have no hard evidence here in the Seventh, we believe that problem is worse here than in the statewide race. Dave Obey has been in office so long, a lot of Republicans aren't yet ready to believe he could be defeated, let alone worry about picking a candidate.
Moreover, if that local money could be put into one candidate's bank account, then the national Republicans would take a serious look at this district. Let's remember, Kerry and Gore both won here by less than 1% of the vote and both with less than 50% of the vote. The national Republicans know that the playing field is small and they need to find opportunities to knock off incumbents. The Seventh presents such an opportunity, but not with a contested primary. They won't direct national money our way until the field is clear. With our primary in September, it would likely be too little too late.
We call on the three Republicans running to retire Obey to take a good hard look at themselves and their realistic chances to win in November based on their story, their experience and their ability to run an effective campaign. It would be outstanding if one of you had a 6 month long clear shot at the Congressman.
Are there two more Scott Walkers out there?