Thursday, March 02, 2006


CBS put out a poll that has President Bush's approval rating at 34%. First, no other poll out since the Port deal story broke has him under 40% (and they took this poll just as the story was breaking and before much information was out). Second, CBS surveyed just over 1000 adults, only 28% of them Republicans (no legitimate pollster believes only 28% of Americans are Republicans). Third, a majority of this poll was taken on a weekend, which every legitimate pollster will tell you moves things away from a Republican. Yet, every news story you read said, "President Bush's approval rating is 34%."

Our answer, no, it's not.

The truth however does not matter in the media (at least the big city papers and networks). They want Democrats to win because in that business there are really only 28% Republicans (a number that goes lower up the chain of command).

You don't believe us, U.S. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) is another in the string of Democrats to have ethical problems, yet the media focuses on two people - Lobbyist (and admitted Republican) Jack Abramoff and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay.
(Here's the Conyers clip)

Dave Obey has introduced a bill to create public financing of elections and the media has praised him for it, yet, when given the opportunity to voluntarily limit his own campaign spending he refuses. No one in the media says, "but Mr. Obey, you received 2/3rds of your campaign donations from DC-based lobbyists and special interests." The media wants him to be the next Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

Our Republican nominee will have an uphill climb this year, but we believe that the people of the Seventh District have a good dose of common sense. If we work together to get the word out that Dave Obey does not reflect our values, he can be beat in November.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

quit being so nice to obey. he's a colossal hypocrite and is a terrible representative of this district. he's been in office too long and he's a grumpy old man.

3:01 PM  

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