As reported in Capitol Hill newspaper, Roll Call, "Tax and Spend Dave" offered an amendment to raise spending by $14.2 billion, and pay for it by raising taxes on the rich. That's 14 followed by 9 zeroes (000,000,000). If you made $1 million a year for 14,200 years, you'd have $14.2 billion. Bottom line, it's a lot of money.
Back to his spending and tax increase proposals. It's easy to pick on people who make money. We at Obey Out certainly would not see our taxes go up if Obey's tax plan went through (we wish we had the money to worry about it). However, we believe it's bad policy to raise taxes specifically to pay for more federal spending.
Here's why: We have a budget deficit. The best way to address a budget deficit is by holding spending in check while spurring economic growth. Congress passed tax relief in 2001 and 2003 and now the economy is humming along, with 4.8% GDP growth in the first quarter of this year. Last year revenues to the federal government went up by more than 10%. This year, revenues to the federal government are projected to go up by more than 12%. If politicians can resist their spending urge and hold the growth in spending to 4-5% as they have the last couple of years, we can balance the budget again within 3-5 years. Ladies and gentleman, we don't have a problem with the amount of money we're sending to Washington, DC -
Dave Obey are ADDICTED to spending your money. This amendment he offered proves it.
We end with this excerpt from the article,
"Obey suggested that the vote was a chance for Democrats to demonstrate that their values differ from those of the Republicans." Yes Dave, Democrats in Washington are for taxing more so they can spend more, Republicans agree with the people of the 7th District of Wisconsin -
people are taxed enough already.