Thursday, July 13, 2006

Obey - The Hothead Who Wants to Be King

According to this Article in The Hill Newspaper (Washington, DC), Dave Obey got in a verbal altercation on the house floor with fellow Democrat George Miller of California, and apparently it wasn't the first time. Of course, it's not the first time Obey has been in altercations, verbal or otherwise, on the House floor in general. He's a notorious hothead who you can tell is really angry when his head starts bobbin and his eyes start blinkin at warp speed.

The Democrats are already starting to tear apart at the seams at the prospect of winning back the majority in the House. They are measuring the new office space, the curtains and trying to divide up the spoils of Chairmanships and Leadership positions - and tensions are clearly running high.

We know Obey's been running push polling against Reid, so he's got one eye that's looking at Wisconsin, but it's clear that he and other Democrats are much more concerned about the power of the majority. Obey can almost taste the power to spend billions and billions dollars more of our money funded by tax hikes. And make no mistake about it, that's exactly what they intend to do.

Let's remember we need to keep both our eyes on the prize. Imagine how sweet it would be to be the district that knocked off Obey and kept the majority in Republican hands by one seat.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do we keep electing a guy who is such a jerk?

12:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I kind of miss the war of words. This warm fuzzy anti-Obey stuff doesn't seem to engender as much discussion.

12:55 PM  

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