Thursday, December 14, 2006

Rearranging the Deck Chairs

As further evidence Dave Obey doesn't have his eye on the ball, we offer the following report from Congress Daily in Washington.

"Incoming House Appropriations Chairman Obey is proposing to add two additional subcommittees and break up two others, largely doing away with the GOP reshuffling that occurred two years ago, according to sources."

Some of our commenters have suggested it was Republicans who are to blame for Obey punting on 2007 spending bills. We agree that Republicans, coupled strongly with fillibuster threats from Democrats in the Senate, did not get the bills done. However, we now have proof that rather than negotiating to finish the bills, Obey is negotiating on the make-up of the committee. Obey is trading process for substance and doing a further dissservice to the American people in the process.

According to the story, "Decisions on subcommittee jurisdictions and "cardinals" probably will not be final until January when Democrats meet to hash out committee assignments, and Obey also needs to complete negotiations with incoming Senate Appropriations Chairman Byrd. Obey's staff declined to comment or confirm details. A Byrd spokesman said talks were ongoing, and the final product might look different."

Giddy with the chance to make a power grab, Obey is focusing his time and energy on rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship rather than repairing the hole. We're not shocked, with Democrats it's about having the power to tell people how to live their lives, not about doing good for the majority of Americans.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Punting on 3rd Down

Without even trying to forge a bi-partisan compromise as he bragged he could do in debates with Nick Reid this fall, Dave Obey has decided to not address the unfinished appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2007. Good Job Dave!!! Proud to have you as our appropriations chairman!!