We hope you all enjoyed the holiday season. We spent Christmas with family and friends and took some time off from blogging (no, we didn't get run out of the blogging business by the Democrats and conspiracy theorists posting here).
Our New Year's Resolution - convince more people to get behind the Republican candidate to defeat Dave Obey in 2008.
Now, to Dave Obey's spin doctoring. In
this WisPolitics.com article, Obey says Democrat Congress needs to clean up Republican spending and get back to balancing the budget. Yet, he offers no specifics on how to do it. He defended earmarks, and he criticized Republicans for budget cuts. When Democrats aren't talking about making tough choices to balance the budget, it only means one thing - TAX INCREASES are planned.
The other thing in this article that bothers us is that Dave Obey renewed his call for public financing of elections. Again, as we've posted before, this will never happen and Dave Obey knows it. It allows him to look all "man of the people" while knowing he can keep ringing up the campaign cash register with special interest financing and winning lopsided elections. Imagine if Obey and his Republican opponent had roughly the same amount of money to spend when in the past Obey can outspend his opponent 5 to 1.
And finally, another lie from Obey. From the article,
"Obey also knocked Republicans for not passing appropriations bills, especially those needed for health care, in the previous session, saying they'll have to pass two years worth of appropriations bills in the new year."Yet again, his friends in the press did not call him on this blatant disregard for the truth. As we've covered (and been blasted for by our Democrat posting friends), Obey has already announced the Democrats will not be passing the 2007 appropriations bills but instead start working on the 2008 bills.
If we keep electing this guy, this is what we will continue to get. Talking like a populist moderate, voting and working like a lying elitist liberal.