Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Democrats Lose Bid to Raise Their Own Pay

Republicans Stop Democrat Attempt to Raise Congressional Pay

Apparently, Congressional Democrats didn't really mean it last fall when they said they wouldn't accept a pay raise until the minimum wage was raised. The Dems tried to strike a deal with Republicans to let the new pay raise take effect February 16th. Republicans said no.

It's real convenient to act all high and mighty when saying anything to win an election. Good for Republicans in holding the Dems feet to the fire.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Testing the Constitution

Obey and the Democrats decided to give Delegates to Congress a vote on the House floor . It's fairly convenient since all but one of them caucuses with Republicans. Obey, Pelosi and the like are simply making another power grab to bolster their chances of winning close votes. We don't think it's what our forefathers had in mind for voting in Congress, but to the victors go the spoils, right?

Just like ramming several bills through Congress without a committee hearing or allowing Republicans to offer amendments, the old school Democrats are back to their pre-1994 ways of ruling Congress with an iron fist. Look for stories soon to surface about how they are trying to squeeze campaign contributions out of lobbyists as well.

So much for the change in tone offered by Democrats during the campaign last fall.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Obey's Op-Ed

So Dave Obey's writing for the Capital Times (they usually write on his behalf, so it's time to return the favor we guess). In his op-ed, he says Democrats are all that's good about America - you know, apple pie, peace, justice and our very way of life. He even took credit for rolling back student interest rates (though he took a sick day instead of voting on it).

What he spent a large part of the op-ed on was changes to ethics rules. We at Obey Out believe that the rules weren't the problem. The Members of Congress who got in trouble were all breaking the rules that were already in place. Changing the rules doesn't change the Members who will break any rules.

We have no problem with allowing a lobbyist to buy a staffer or a Member a reasonably priced lunch, and in Washington DC, a $30 to $50 limit on food would do just that. Now, they can't even buy them a cup of coffee. It's kind of stupid to think that the people we elect can't be trusted not to be bought off by a steak or two. Is that what our nation has come to?

We at Obey Out would prefer a system where lobbyists must report within 7 days all expenditures made (within a reasonably set limit), and for whos benefit, and that the information be available on a publicly searchable database. That step would prohibit Members from over-indulging because no one would want to be at the top of that list.

Anyway, our favorite phrases from the op-ed were:

the rules restrict lobbyists from organizing, financing or participating in member travel and prohibit member travel

"the rules ban "dead of night" special interest provisions"

We have already documented that not only did Dave Obey have no problem taking lobbyist funded junkets, but he also had no problem making "dead of night" deals over a glass of merlot.

Oh well, Obey's not above conveniently ignoring the facts anyway and neither are the newspapers who love him.

Friday, January 19, 2007

So Much for Priorities

Dave Obey made a big issue about the Republican effort to restructure the student loan program last year. Yet, when a Democrat bill to lower interest rates came to a vote - Obey missed it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


What's with the liberals being up in arms with "24"?

We (or I in this case as some of my co-Obey Outers love this show) don't even like "24." Yet, with the State of the Union coming up and the Democrats unleashing an offensive on Bush to try and damage his credibility so he gets no bump from the speech, liberals are working in concert with their friends in Congress by saying that "24" is right wing neo-con propaganda.

First, "24" is one of the most popular shows on TV and TV execs are about making money. They are making "24" into the type of show they believe will make them a lot of money.

Second, let's remember that culturally, politically, and philosophically, Hollywood is overwhelmingly liberal.

To us, it's classic liberal mania - defined as liberals are all for letting everyone have an opinion unless they disagree with it, then whatever you have to say is simply part of a vast right wing conspiracy to ruin America. Welcome to the club "24".

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Forum

There are a couple anonymous commenters posting to Obey Out who claim to be Republicans, but complain about Republican leadership and defend Obey as a better alternative to the 2006 candidate Nick Reid.

We welcome all who wish to join our party, but we have a few questions.

First, what Republicans for Congress, Senate or President have you voted for in the last 15 years?

Second, what current Republican candidate do you support to be our next Presidential nominee (other than Tommy Thompson)?

Third, what current Republican member of the House of Representatives would you most like to see be the next Speaker of the House and why?

Fourth, which two specific policy positions that Nick Reid took do you oppose and why is Dave Obey better on these issues?

Fifth, who would you support as our nominee for Congress in 2008?

For our other readers, we would like to hear who you support as our Presidential nominee, who would make a good Republican Speaker, and who you would support as our nominee?

This is an open forum, so sound off.

A caveat, any post from our regular critics that rehashes the same old comments about Tom DeLay, Democrats for Reid, corruption, etc, etc, etc, will be DELETED.

Friday, January 05, 2007

A Sad Day for America

We just gave Nancy Pelosi the keys to the House. Scarry.

Also, thanks to the Journal-Sentinel, we now know what else Obey was doing rather than working on 2007 appropriations bills, he was planning a party . . . "Answering to "Mr. Chairman," Obey had a spread of food and drinks for guests, who included House Democrat Tammy Baldwin of Madison."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year

We hope you all enjoyed the holiday season. We spent Christmas with family and friends and took some time off from blogging (no, we didn't get run out of the blogging business by the Democrats and conspiracy theorists posting here).

Our New Year's Resolution - convince more people to get behind the Republican candidate to defeat Dave Obey in 2008.

Now, to Dave Obey's spin doctoring. In this article, Obey says Democrat Congress needs to clean up Republican spending and get back to balancing the budget. Yet, he offers no specifics on how to do it. He defended earmarks, and he criticized Republicans for budget cuts. When Democrats aren't talking about making tough choices to balance the budget, it only means one thing - TAX INCREASES are planned.

The other thing in this article that bothers us is that Dave Obey renewed his call for public financing of elections. Again, as we've posted before, this will never happen and Dave Obey knows it. It allows him to look all "man of the people" while knowing he can keep ringing up the campaign cash register with special interest financing and winning lopsided elections. Imagine if Obey and his Republican opponent had roughly the same amount of money to spend when in the past Obey can outspend his opponent 5 to 1.

And finally, another lie from Obey. From the article, "Obey also knocked Republicans for not passing appropriations bills, especially those needed for health care, in the previous session, saying they'll have to pass two years worth of appropriations bills in the new year."

Yet again, his friends in the press did not call him on this blatant disregard for the truth. As we've covered (and been blasted for by our Democrat posting friends), Obey has already announced the Democrats will not be passing the 2007 appropriations bills but instead start working on the 2008 bills.

If we keep electing this guy, this is what we will continue to get. Talking like a populist moderate, voting and working like a lying elitist liberal.