It was a sad day for America yesterday when a seated member of Congress admitted to taking nearly
$2.5 million in bribes for official favors. Duke Cunningham violated the public trust and should rightly be held accountable for his actions.
While Democrats and liberal bloggers can hardly contain their glee all over the Internet, to politicize the actions of one individual is both dangerous and unfair. It's dangerous because at least one Democrat is under FBI investigation and it's unfair because most lawmakers in Congress Repubilcans and Democrats, are there to serve the people whether we agree with them or not. However, it's all the Democrat Party's got right now. They can't win on the issues, and they don't have a plan.
As we noted in our post from yesterday, Democrats are going to pound away with a negative message. Republicans will be demonized and accused. Every Republican candidate will be compared to Duke Cunningham and Tom DeLay. Just look at the
House Democrats website, and you see them trying to link every Republican to some scandal (which is an absolutely ridiculous blanket accusation) and they call it a campaign for change. The question is, a change to what? Higher taxes. More out of control spending. No accountability for bureaucratic nonsense. Dismantling the best health care system in the world. Giving unscrupulous trial lawyers the ability to file unchecked frivilous lawsuits. Allowing France to make our foreign policy. Turning a blind eye to immigration issues. What part of their agenda do they actually want to run on? That agenda has failed to win them control of the House since 1992. It hasn't changed since then.
We suggest that after 36 years in the Seventh District, the people of Northwest Wisconsin need to campaign for change and to vote Obey out.
[Update 4:15pm, 11/29] Obey Out has heard from a couple of people offline who think it's very appropriate for Democrats to bring up the "culture of corruption" especially in light of the fact we are going after Obey's record here.
We maintain it is individual lawmakers should be held accountable for their actions.
For instance, Democrat Frank Ballance was sentenced to four years in prison for funneling public funds into a non-profit organiation he ran. If Republicans were looking for ways to tie Dave Obey to Frank Ballance, we would think that to be unfair.
Jim Traficant, who was a Democrat (turned Independent) when he committed the crimes was convicted of, should not be linked to Obey. No more than
Dan_Rostenkowski, a Democrat convicted of corruption charges, should be linked to Obey.
The Democrats have plenty of skeletons in their closets, including an ongoing
FBI investigation against Democrat William Jefferson of New Orleans. The point is, unless Dave Obey were implicated directly which he hasn't been, this should not be raised as an issue against him.
The Democrats can try to shield their bad agenda by making blanket statements about Republicans, but we will call them out on it.
What we at Obey Out will do, is point out Dave Obey's specific votes and words. We believe that record alone merits his defeat in 2006.