here is a ridiculous letter to the editor Our response follows
This is a letter to those who wish to unseat the incumbent, Congressman Dave Obey.Hopefully they realize Rep. Obey’s party is not the one in power at the moment — their Republican Party is in power.Hopefully they have been paying attention to the actions of the present administration and understand the issues are coming to light based on facts and those are that we have a Republican President, Congress and Senate. Indeed, they are even doing everything possible to add the Supreme Court to the mix.Our federal government has grown more than at any other time and has become more intrusive in the lives of common citizens. The deficit has reached record levels with no end in sight, corruption is rampant, secrecy is the method of governing, there are more pork barrel items than ever before and the list goes on and on.Have the Democrats been the party of the perfect in the past?Certainly not. But as these hopeful candidates make their promises, let’s all be truthful and blame our dysfunctional system. And don’t forget this was the president and party that was supposed to bring together and unite our country. Instead, the reality is horrible polarization.The Republican Party is the one that delivered the scam Part D Medicare drug plan — a plan written by and for the drug and health industry. The Republican Party is the one providing us with total incompetence in areas of security. The Republican Party has gone to great lengths to provide tax breaks to the industries and individuals who least need them, while taking away from those who can least afford them.Medical savings plans are great for the healthy and wealthy, but for those who cannot afford basic needs now, they’re hardly a worthy plan. Industries are leaving our country because of high health costs. Environmental problems made worse because of unwillingness to accept scientific facts. A war that seems to have no end is sapping our money, world and the lives of our brave soldiers and those of Iraq civilians. Again, the party in power making all of the decisions legislating at the national level and they are the Republican Party!I believe it was Ronald Reagan who said it best during a debate with a challenger — “I won’t hold your youthfulness and inexperience against you!”Paul Sexton, Burnett County Democrat Chair, SirenDear Mr. Sexton,
Those of us who will support the Republican trying to unseat Obey say, "what was so great the Democrats did when they were in power for 40 years?"
In fact, Dave Obey helped create the dysfunctional system, and he uses the system. Between 2000 and 2005, he took trips around the world to the tune of $75,000 in free travel.
Dave Obey takes 2/3rds of his campaign financing from DC lobbyists and special interests. Hopefully you realize Mr. Sexton, that he is more beholden to them than to us.
Obey likes to talk like he's above the fray of having his palm greased by lobbyists, but nothing could be further from the truth. He also says he supports limiting campaign spending but has refused requests from us and from Nick Reid to voluntarily limit his spending. It's the fine art of talking out of both sides of your mouth that Obey has mastered.
Sure, it was Republicans who passed Medicare Part D, but Democrats gave us Medicare - a system that is horribly bureaucratic and ineffective AND Dave Obey wanted Part D to go farther and be more complicated.
Industries are leaving America because we have the highest taxation burden on our industry of any one in the civilized world and because labor unions would rather see their workers jobless than to work constructively with business. Sure health care is a factor, but Democrats want to continue to add must-carry provisions and other regulations, while backing the right of trial lawyers to bring unwarranted medical malpractice claims. Please stop saying health care is a problem when it's your party who wants to keep making it more expensive and will not negotiate on any idea to make it more affordable.
As for taxes of individuals, the Bush tax plan has made it so a family of 4 that makes less than $40,000 a year pays NO FEDERAL INCOME TAX. So yes, people who are wealthier than that got a tax cut, but you can't cut taxes for people who don't pay them.
Yes, we support putting terrorist sympathizers in America on notice, if you talk with Al Qaeda, we will be listening. What exactly is your problem with that?
We could go on and on, but the fact is: you are hopeless.
Obey Out
A Catalyst for Change in the 7th District