This is the story of Dave Obey, ProLogic and its lobbyist PMA.
ProLogic is a
defense contractor who announced it would open an office in Stevens Point in December of 2004.
Prior to that time, ProLogic had given $5,000 to Dave Obey's campaign. In the 18 months since that time, ProLogic is Dave Obey's number one contributor, giving $31,000 to his campaign and PAC according to
ProLogic has seen its business increase six-fold in the last four years, winning over$57 million in federal contracts during that period. Is it a coincidence they opened an office in Obey's district in exchange for some help from the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee? Not according to their prior history.
ProLogic has "helped" its friends before.
Check out this Bloomberg story linking ProLogic to ethically challenged Rep. Alan Mollohan (D-WV) who was forced to step aside as the ranking Democrat member of the House ethics committee - interesting enough after stalling the organization of that committee which prevented it from investigating any ethics complaints for about 15 months. ProLogic gave Mollohan $34,500. Mollohan still serves as a Ranking Subcommitee Democrat on the Appropriations Committee.
It also linked ProLogic and its lobbyist, the PMA Group, to Rep. Visclosky (D-IN). The PMA Group alone gave over $100,000 to Visclosky.
The PMA Group has given Obey $7,000 this cycle alone (added to $4,000 during 2004).
Before we go on, let's remind you that Obey said this about Congressional earmarks that ProLogic is receiving,
“It turns the appropriations process into an ATM.” We say, "you should know Dave."
Back to the PMA group,
according to Harper PMA gave over $51,000 to Rep. Mollohan. Mollohan is still under investigation for directing over $200 million in earmarks to charities directly or indirectly controlled by him.
PMA has
received according to open secrets $520,000 from ProLogic between 2002 and 2005 to lobby members of Congress like Obey and to ensure that federal money got steered their way.
If it can be said you are like the company you keep, then it's pretty clear that Obey, Mollohan, Visclosky, ProLogic and the PMA Group have a great "pay to play" system down. Not many companies have seen their business grow by 600% the last four years, but Pro-Logic's has.
We are going to start looking more closely at the lobbyists and other special interest groups who have given to Obey to see if the appropriations connections go deeper. The question is, why aren't the members of the Wisconsin press corp doing the same thing?