Here comes another Obeyite to defend his left-wing Congressman.We aren't going to post the entire letter to the editor here because quite frankly, it's quite windy, just like Obey. I think the strategy is, if we drone on and on long enough, people will figure we know what we're talking about.
This letter to the editor is right off the Democrat Party/DailyKos talking points memo. Call Republicans "neo-cons" and say we are in "bed with big oil." Ironically, that's the title of the letter, which the writer begins by saying Nick Reid must be using Republican talking points. Talk about hypocritical.
We could stop, just call this guy a windbag and a hypocrite, which is clear, and let it go at that, but we wouldn't be blogging if we could just let the rest of the manifesto go.
Let's remember this about big oil. No one person owns more than 1% of any oil company. After they pay about 30% to the federal government in taxes, the rest of the money is either re-invested or paid to shareholders - that's the overwhelming majority of us with mutual funds, IRA's, and 401(k)s.
The writer says the goal is energy independence. Yes, that's the goal, and the point of Reid's press release is that a key short and mid-range need is to PRODUCE MORE OIL AND GAS AT HOME, and OBEY VOTES AGAINST EVERY EFFORT TO INCREASE THAT PRODUCTION. Alternative fuels are not going to come online overnight. It will take the next 10-25 years to make sure ethanol, hydrogen, etc, will be cost-efficient and in mass production. If ANWR were open, it would not destroy the (desolate) environment there. No scientist without a crazy environmental agenda believes that claim. The same with the Outer Continental Shelf.
If Dave Obey were really for the average joe as this writer claims, he would work for the short and long term solutions because that's what will help keep prices down.
We really could go on and on, including about how the writer compared Reid to the Nazis, but you can draw your own conclusions from that one.
We do want to end with this, we are encouraged that Obey is attacking Reid already. He knows Reid is a legitimate threat.
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