It's official, Jeff Tyberg filed his nomination papers. So, today we make our endorsement.
Here are the criteria:
1. Republican values - is the candidate a true blue Republican
2. Money - the ability/potential to raise money
3. Organization - the existence of a campaign staff and ready volunteers
4. Experience - who has the best story to tell and can sell their ability to do the job if elected
5. Electability - who can appeal to independents and conservative democrats
Both candidates are conservative Republicans and have demonstrated those values in speeches and other campaign materials.
On the money front, it is no contest. While Reid has not filed his 2nd Quarter report yet, we have it from a reliable source that he will have raised more than 10 times as much money as Jeff Tyberg and his cash on hand advantage will be several times more. Reid has a finance committee and a professional fundraiser on staff. So, Reid has demonstrated the ability to raise money and has the mechanisms in place to raise enough to be competitive.
Organizationally, the Reid campaign has the advantage. Over the 4th of July weekend, his team covered 25 events. As far as we know, Tyberg covered zero. He was on a mini-vacation in Washington, DC and we heard no reports of volunteers covering events in his stead.
When it comes to experience, Reid has boots on the ground experience in Washington, DC that would allow him to hit the ground running in Congress while Tyberg was still figuring out how to get from his office to the Capitol. Reid worked for the conservative Heritage Foundation and for a Congressman from Kansas (as did Paul Ryan, we might add). In reading Tyberg's bio page and hearing him speak, we're not sure he ever finished college with a degree, and he spent many years travelling the world as a missionary. While serving as a missionary is certainly a noble calling, and we thank Jeff for being willing to serve, it is not as applicable to running for Congress as Reid's experience (though a case certainly may be made that Washington, DC would be a mission field).
Finally comes the nebulous category of electability. We must first revisit the disappearing act over arguably the easiest opportunity to meet voters, the 4th of July weekend. Jeff Tyberg blew it off while Nick Reid worked it hard. It demonstrates who is taking the race seriously. Next, Reid has a great story to tell. He comes from a working class family, himself working in the unions to pay his way through college. He has a wife and two children, which look great in commercials and on campaign literature (Tyberg is married as well and has worked all over the world). While a conservative, Reid has talked about issues that matter to independents and conservative democrats - jobs and health care. Tyberg has portrayed himself as largely a God and guns candidate - issues on which he and Reid do not really differ. Finally, in talking to those who have met Reid on the campaign trail, the results are overwhelmingly positive. In talking to those who have met Tyberg, the results are mixed. The libertarian and gun owners of America types like him, others aren't too sure.
For these reasons we say, Reid for the Republican nomination.
We wanted to stay neutral in this race. We had hoped Jeff Tyberg would take the Scott Walker approach and step aside for the candidate who had the best chance to win, but he did not. It would have been the honorable thing to do, and we believe Jeff to be an honorable person. We, like many other Republicans in this district are disappointed. The result is that Reid may have to wait till he wins the primary to raise the money he could have started getting tomorrow. It will severely hamper his ability to attract money from the national Republicans for this race. It is unfortunate that though asked to step aside by many people who know politics, Tyberg ignored their counsel. Tyberg's filing for office was a small but significant victory for Dave Obey and gives him a leg up for November, an advantage he certainly didn't need.
Therefore, our second endosement today is for the 7th District Republican Party to call a convention or straw poll or caucus to endorse Nick Reid's candidacy so that many who feel compelled to sit on the sidelines "for the good of the party" can get involved in this race to defeat Dave Obey.